'kickstart' Critical To Apprentice Revival

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1st December 2009, 01:44pm - Views: 619

People Education Group Training Australia 1 image

People Education Group Training Australia 2 image

Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing

over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

1 December 2009

‘Kickstart’ critical to apprentice revival

Group Training Australia (GTA), the single largest network employing over 40,000

apprentices and trainees,

today welcomed commencement

of the Apprentice Kickstart

employer incentive program,

and stressed the importance of promoting apprentices to

employers during the economic recovery.

The Apprentice Kickstart program will more than triple the incentives available to employers

that take on an apprentice between 1 December 2009 and 28 February 2010.

GTA Chief Executive Officer,

Jim Barron,


these measures come at the


recruitment period when young people and employers are considering options for


“Small and medium size employers particularly need this encouragement to re-engage in

training. This


will help to ensure that more young people are able to gain and

complete their apprenticeship and help build Australia’s skills capacity at a critical time in the

economic recovery,” he said.

GTA is currently working closely with Local Employment Coordinators (LECs) in nine of the

twenty priority areas across Australia identified by the Federal Government as being highly

disadvantaged and showing high unemployment.  

Mr Barron said the Apprentice Kickstart incentives will aid the work of LECs by encouraging

employers to take on an apprentice at a time of difficult economic conditions for many in the

traditional trades. 

“Over the past decade there has been a break in the relationship between economic activity

and apprentice levels,

and so high rates of training

will have to be maintained for another

decade to compensate for the reduced training rate.

“The important work of the LECs to help disadvantaged people become employed will be


by the incentives


create greater opportunities for many in the community to

gain skills and employment through an apprenticeship.”  

Group training organisations, along with local Chambers of Commerce and community

groups, are currently holding local business forums in the priority areas

to promote the

benefits and incentives associated with taking on an apprentice. 

The Apprentice Kickstart program

is in line with the recommendations of the Australian

Apprentices Taskforce and COAG to provide

greater support and incentives to boost

apprenticeship commencements and completions. It builds on the Securing Apprenticeships

initiative announced earlier this year which provided some $145 million to encourage

employers to take on apprentices and trainees who have been laid off.

Media Contact:

Renata Davis, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0438 525 413,



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