Education Articles & Press Releases - Saturday, Jul 27th 2024

Public and private education institutions (schools/universities), career skills and training.

UMAT Exam - How To Go About Facing It? 2nd March 2011 UMAT tests are not all that intimidating if you are well equipped with everything that is required for the test.

UMAT Preparation - Are You Following The Correct Strategies? 2nd March 2011 Would you appear for any sort of examination without taking the proper preparation? No test should be confronted without being completely equipped for it.

UMAT: Top Reasons Students Fail The Test 17th February 2011 The UMAT can be pretty complex to deal with and students should not take the test lightly.

Outstanding Young Locals Win Prizes In Global Competition 9th November 2010 Outstanding Young Locals Win Prizes In Global Competition Councillor Vasee Rajadurai of Holroyd Council, will present Prize Certificates to the 25 local prize winners and Prudence Awards to the 50 students who achieved the highest number of consecutive correct responses in their school.

Surprise Award To June Dally Watkins 8th November 2010 Surprise Award To June Dally Watkins On Thursday 11 th November, Mr Alan Jones will be making a presentation to June Dally Watkins in recognition of her Lifelong dedication to educating young Australians.

Studying Abroad Does Not Have To Cost Anything 8th November 2010 Studying Abroad Does Not Have To Cost Anything The newly launched website ( ) has compiled structured and searchable information on scholarships and grants for studying in Europe.

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