Education Press Releases & Articles 301 - 305 of 376

Labor Funding Commitment Delivers Certainty To 2013 starstarstarstarstar   4th August 2010 - Views: 1324 Labor Funding Commitment Delivers Certainty To 2013 The Director of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Stephen Elder, today commended the Prime Minister’s decision to extend the current funding arrangements for Catholic schools until the end of 2013.

Group Training Launches 2010 Policy Blueprint starstarstarstarstar   4th August 2010 - Views: 1235 Group Training Launches 2010 Policy Blueprint Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing apprentices and trainees, today released its Election Statement 2010, representing its policy platform for the employment, education and training sector.

Aussie Kids Ready To Have Fun With Maths Again! starstarstarstarstar   4th August 2010 - Views: 1371 Aussie Kids Ready To Have Fun With Maths Again! The 33rd annual Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) will take place on Thursday 5 August in primary and secondary schools all over Australia. Hundreds of thousands of students from Year 3 to Year 12 compete on the same day, making it the largest single event on the Australian education calendar.

Coalition Wrong On Students With Disabilities starstarstarstarstar   30th July 2010 - Views: 1260 AEU Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos said that instead of a long-term strategy to provide adequate teaching resources and programs for students with a disability Mr Abbott would hand out individual vouchers to a tiny proportion of students.

Aeu Misleads Public On School Funding starstarstarstarstar   28th July 2010 - Views: 1272 Aeu Misleads Public On School Funding The McMorrow report has already been discredited by the Prime Minister and is a shameful attempt by the Australian Education Union (AEU) to mislead the public on the facts of school funding.

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