Group Training Launches 2010 Policy Blueprint

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4th August 2010, 12:48pm - Views: 1138

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Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing apprentices

and trainees throughout Australia.


August 2010

Group training launches 2010 policy blueprint

Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing apprentices and


today released its Election Statement 2010, representing its policy platform

for the

employment, education and training sector.

The Election Statement encompasses a series of measures which GTA believes can

help to further

build Australia’s workforce capability to meet the skills needs of a modern, productive economy

through greater investment in the group training network and new partnerships with government. 

The Chief Executive Officer of GTA, Jim Barron said the policy manifesto is designed to address issues

associated with emerging skills shortages, while addressing deeper skills development over the

medium term. 

“One of the most important issues for Australia’s economic prosperity and competitiveness will be to


our human capital infrastructure

by investing in workforce development, as well as

strengthening programs that promote social equity.” 

Key elements of the policy blueprint include:

Building on the current capabilities of the group training network to offer a complete

workforce solution for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). This would include funding

to develop the skills and capacity of the current group training workforce, and programs for

SMEs seeking workforce development. 

Providing increased funding for pre-apprenticeship and pre-vocational training. This will give

those interested in a trade career a better chance of meeting eligibility requirements and

commencing their apprenticeship through a structured and supported career pathway. 

Creating funded partnerships between GTOs and schools to develop and deliver programs

and services that will encourage smoother school-to-work transitions, and improve work-

readiness and career development. 

Funding GTOs to oversee all school-based traditional apprenticeships, utilising an established

pastoral care/support structure and a national network of host employers. 

Placing GTOs and Australian Apprenticeships Centres (AACs) on the same commercial footing

by allowing all GTOs to have access to funding for the apprentice and employer support

services that they provide, similar to that provided to AACs.



A continuation of funding to target the 20 disadvantaged regional areas identified by the

Federal Government during the economic downturn, and encourage more employers to take

on apprentices. 

Enforcing and monitoring COAG’s 10% apprentice requirement more aggressively.

Australia’s 150 group training organisations are in a unique position to contribute to delivering this

strategy as intermediaries linking training, employers and employees, supported by 2,000 skilled staff

and relationships with up to 100,000 employers and 35,000 apprentices and trainees.

“Group training has a capacity to partner with

government to deliver workforce


outcomes for government, industry and people seeking skilled careers,” Mr Barron said.

“We are already seeing signs of skills shortages as the economic recovery strengthens, and will need

to find ways of attracting more young Australians into skilled careers.

“The group training network is a unique workforce development tool because of its focus on linking

demand for skilled labour with training opportunities and with employers needing skilled workers.

“While we look to government to enhance its investment in the network, we are also committed to

raising our own capacity, capability and readiness to evolve.

“We firmly believe that the measures outlined in our election statement provide a way of harnessing


expertise to speed-up the drive toward a more skilled, competitive, and adaptable workforce,”

said Mr Barron.



from the home

page go to >National >Policy >GTA VET Policies >Election Policies 2010.


Group Training Australia is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group

Training Organisations (GTOs) employing apprentices and trainees throughout Australia. GTA was

recently awarded the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia (COSBOA) Small Business

Champion Award 2010.

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,   

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