26 New Leaders Join A Movement For Social Change

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8th December 2009, 06:35pm - Views: 1344

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December 2009 

Media Release

Twenty six new leaders join a movement for social change

Twenty six outstanding leaders from across the not-for-profit, government and corporate sectors in New South

Wales have just joined the ranks of The Benevolent Society’s Social Leadership Australia alumni, bringing to 382

the number of graduates from the innovative Sydney Leadership Program since its establishment eleven years


“Sydney Leadership Program alumni are at the vanguard of change in Australian leadership culture, exercising

leadership in innovative, creative ways around complex social issues in government, corporate and community life,”

Head of Social Leadership Australia, Robbie Macpherson said.

“There are now literally hundreds of stories to tell of this program’s power to create lasting positive impacts on a

personal, organisational and social level. From new corporate social responsibility programs, to innovative cross-

sector projects for youth-at-risk; from new ways of working to bring about change within large organisations, to

small but impactful projects in the community, Sydney Leadership alumni are making a difference in Australian

working and community life everywhere,” Mr Macpherson said. 

With its motto of ‘Challenge yourself. Change your world,’ the award-winning Sydney Leadership Program was

conceived as part of a bold vision by Australia’s oldest charity to create a network of new leaders with the capacity,

skills and determination to create lasting social change. Each year up to 30 talented and motivated individuals are

selected to participate in a unique, year-long experiential learning program, which is based on a Harvard model that

challenges conventional paradigms of leadership. 

The program involves senior decision-makers from all types and sizes of organisations in diverse sectors – from

banking, property and mining to education, health and human services – from major corporations to struggling not-

for-profits – who come together to examine their own values and purpose, and to develop and practice their

leadership skills in diverse social environments. In its eleven year history the program has developed a strong track

record as a forum for both social leadership development and extensive network building. 

For the City of Sydney’s Youth Development Worker and Director of Gamarada, Aboriginal Men’s Healing and Life

Skills Program, David Beaumont, the most valuable thing about the Sydney Leadership Program was “the

opportunity I have had to work and grow with like minded people from various sectors within our society.” 

“The connections I have made and the experiences I have gained are invaluable,” Mr Beaumont said. “They will be

with me for the rest of my life and continue to help shape the new way I think and operate.”

For BHP Billiton’s Change & Communications Lead, Sharon Ryan, the most valuable thing was “having 20 years of

experience in change completely blown away.” 

“If you are serious about leadership and community,” she said, “then this program is a ‘must do’ in your lifetime.”

Sara Nicols, Service Development Manager at Spinal Cord Injuries Australia said, “Sydney Leadership changed my

life! It has changed my way of interacting with community and recognising the contribution and the absolute

influence we can all make in changing the disparity in the world. Some of us will do it on a global scale, others on

the ground, but we all – regardless of what our professional background – want a different world to live in.” 

“The 2009 Sydney Leadership Program graduates bring a wealth of wisdom, insight and energy back to their

communities and workplaces. We congratulate them and wish them well,” said Robbie Macpherson. 

Sydney Leadership is one of a suite of programs and consultancy services offered by Social Leadership Australia

to develop leaders to drive social change. 

Full list of 2009 Sydney Leadership Program graduates overleaf. 

For more information or to arrange an interview contact Rachael Vincent 02 9339 9318 

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The Benevolent Society

           PO Box 171 Paddington NSW 2021

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Paddington NSW 2021                                  Donations 1800 819 633                                                       ABN 95 084 695 045

The 2009 Sydney Leadership Program graduates are:

Anna Ainsworth

Community Development Coordinator, Eden

Gardens & Garden Centres

Director, Eden Foundation; Fr Chris Riley's

Youth Off The Streets

David Beaumont

Youth Development Worker, City of Sydney


Director, ‘Gamarada', Aboriginal Men's

Healing & life Skills Program

Frier Bentley

Principal, Consulting Bentley

Raul Caceres Castillo

Project Manager, Social Innovation Camp,

Australian Social Innovation Exchange

Gabrielle Curtin

Group General Manager People Services

Qantas Airways Limited

Steve Farrell

Business Manager, Centrelink

Shelley Fredericks

Director, Client Services, Students & Contact

Centre, Department of Immigration and


Jacqueline Harrison

Regional Programs Manager, Hunter &

Central Coast, The Benevolent Society

Peter Horsley 

Project Coordinator, The Spastic Centre

Norma Ingram

Lecturer, Eora TAFE

Chairperson, Wyanga Aboriginal Aged Care

Program, Redfern

Annie Le Cavalier

Communications Officer, Vibewire Youth

Media and Arts Inc.

Sarah Maddison

Senior Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts &

Social Sciences, University of New South


Jim Martin

Mt Druitt Customer Service Centre Manager,


Jo Metzke

Manager, Group Learning & Development,

Human Resources, Stockland Corporation

Pty Ltd

Larry Musolino

Statewide Services Development Manager,

The Cancer Council NSW

Sara Nicols

Service Development Manager, Spinal Cord

Injuries Australia

Richard Potok

Director, The Aurora Project

Charles Prouse

CEO, National Aboriginal Sporting Chance


Michael Regan

Partnership Manager, The Smith Family

Sharon Ryan

Change & Communications Lead, BHP

Billiton, Energy Coal

Phillippe Savidis

Senior Solicitor, NTSCORP Limited

Deb Shaw

Online Communications Manager, 

The Aurora Project

Simon Sheikh

National Director, GetUp! Action for Australia

Melissa Smith

Development Manager, International,

University of Technology, Sydney

Kris Vine

Grow Well Project Coordinator, Regional

Remote Health Section, Anyinginyi Health

Aboriginal Corporation (Tennant Creek, NT)

Christopher Zinn

Media Spokesman, Choice Magazine

For more information or to arrange an interview contact Rachael Vincent 02 9339 9318 

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