Anzsog Ceos Forum

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2nd February 2010, 07:03pm - Views: 1052

4-6 February 2010

The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) is one of the few education institutions in the world that can claim to be unique. ANZSOG is dedicated to promoting outstanding public sector leadership and policy that really works for the benefit of the public.

To compliment the core executive level programs, executive workshops, research and case studies, ANZSOG works with state and federal governments in providing unique events to the public sector.

ANZSOG will be hosting the CEOs Forum 2010 executive workshop in Melbourne from February 4 to 6, 2010.

The CEOs Forum represents an extraordinary opportunity for senior government leaders in New Zealand and Australia to come together to reflect on their work with the aim of improving their practices and performance.

The workshop themes include the challenges facing public sector leaders, strategic responses to recession and recovery and acting as leader in collaboration with business and civil society. Coping with rapidly changing external environments and finding ways to sustain performance while cutting costs.

This year, there will be 30 Australian and New Zealand chief executives and a special group of seven Canadian Chief Executives attending the program, offering a valuable comparative perspective and unique networking opportunity.

For further information or to arrange an interview contact
Tracey Fisher on
9285 9115 or
0407 203 528.

SOURCE: The Australia and New Zealand School of Government

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