Asia Education Experts To Address Global Summit

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21st July 2010, 01:31pm - Views: 1359

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Asia Education Experts to Address Global Summit

MANAMA, Bahrain, July 21 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Leading Educators to Take Stage at Education Project, Bahrain

    Four experts from leading Asian academic institutions are among an elite list set to address a global

summit in Bahrain this October, it was announced today.

    Jeff Utecht, Learning Coordinator at the International School, Bangkok; Kelly Yang, Founder of the Kelly

Yang Project in Hong Kong; Dr Janchai Yingprayoon, Past President at the International Council of

Associations for Science Education, Thailand; and David Hogan of the Centre for Research in Pedagogy

and Practice, National Institute of Education in Singapore, will speak at the Education Project 2010. They

join representatives from Harvard University, the European Commission, 10 Downing Street and Microsoft                              

at the event, which runs from 8-10 October.

    It is the second occasion of the annual event, initiated by His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Hamad

Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince of Bahrain and Chairman of the Kingdom's Economic Development Board   


    Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive of the EDB which is organising the event, said:

"Education is the single most important factor in bringing stability, productivity and prosperity to all societies.

Our goal in Bahrain in establishing the Education Project was to bring together an international community    

of educators. To have leading experts from Asia - to offer their expertise in identifying practical

solutions to address the gap in the global education system - will help to ensure a platform from which to

further inspire positive change."

    Despite increased government spending, education outcomes worldwide have declined over time. The

Education Project was established to share best practice and create a practical approach that educators

can follow to make a difference. Hundreds of professionals from 36 countries joined together last year. In

October, figures from academia, business and politics will again take the stage; Utecht, Yang, Dr

Yingprayoon and Hogan will offer valuable insight.

    The Education Project is free to attend for educational professionals from all sectors as well as from

public and private sector institutions with an interest in developing new models and standards in education.

Entry is by invitation only; for more information and to register online visit:

    Notes to editors

    Other speakers confirmed for the Education project 2010 include:

    - Charles Leadbeater, advisor to the government of Shanghai,  

      European Commission and 10 Downing St, UK

    - Cindy Johanson, executive director, George Lucas Educational

      Foundation, USA

    - Edward B Fiske, former education editor, New York Times, USA

    - HE Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Higher

      Education and Scientific Research, United Arab Emirates

    - Helen Ladd, Professor of Public Policy, Duke Sanford School of

      Public Policy, USA

    - Kaya Henderson, Deputy Chancellor, District of Columbia Public

      Schools, USA 

    - David Hogan, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and 


Practice, National Institute of Education, Singapore

    - Mike Feinberg, Co-Founder, KIPP

    - Mona Mourshed, Partner Middle East, McKinsey & Company, United

People Education The Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) 3 image

      Arab Emirates

    - Patrick Griffin, Executive Director, Assessment and Teaching of


21st Century Skills, AT21C & University of Melbourne, Australia

    - Ralph Tabberer, Chief School Officer, GEMS, United Arab Emirates

    - Steven Joel Trachtenberg, former President of George Washington

      University and author of Big Man on Campus, USA

    - Tom Payzant, Professor of Practice, Harvard Graduate School of

      Education, USA

    - Tony Wagner, Co-director of the Change Leadership Group, Harvard

      Graduate School of Education

    About The Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB)

    The Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) is a dynamic public agency with an overall

responsibility for formulating and overseeing the economic development strategy of Bahrain, and for

creating the right climate to attract direct investment into the Kingdom.

    The role of the Bahrain EDB is to provide leadership by uniting all of the Kingdom's shareholders through

a unified vision, and to develop key strategies for growth. The Bahrain EDB also acts as a facilitator, helping

all of Bahrain's stakeholders to understand and adopt the changes necessary for progress. In addition, the

Bahrain EDB provides sound project management to ensure that all agreed reform initiatives are

implemented in an effective and timely manner.

    The Bahrain EDB is also responsible for attracting inward investment into Bahrain, and is focusing on six

target economic sectors in which the Kingdom offers significant strengths. These are financial services,

downstream industries, tourism, business services, logistics, and education and training.

    For more information on the Bahrain EDB visit; for information about Bahrain

About The Experience 

The Experience by Richard Attias is a strategic experiential communications firm and event management

company founded by Richard Attias, the man behind the production of the Davos Forum for over 13 years

and the creator and producer of the Nobel Laureates Conference, the Monaco Media Forum, the Global

Clinton Initiative and, most recently, the New York Forum, which fosters economic discussion among top

business leaders and investors. The Experience by Richard Attias has offices in NY, Paris, Dubai, Jeddah

and coming soon to China.

    Further information

    Jenan Al Maskati, Bahrain Economic Development Board

    Tel: +973-17-589-930


    Katie Bergius, Bell Pottinger

    Tel: +44(0)207-861-3105 / +44(0)7979-701-689


    Doreen Bonnami, The Experience

    Tel: +1-212-794-8801 x1105



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SOURCE: The Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB)

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