Building Australia's Future In Construction: Does Policy Have A Role To Play?

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Building Australia’s future in construction: does policy have a

role to play?

Leading construction expert Professor Paolo Tombesi will examine the dynamics of technical

progress in construction, and consider the steering role public planning can play in a public

lecture at the University of Melbourne on Tuesday. 


Professor Tombesi, the new chair in Construction at the University of Melbourne, says his lecture will

seek to answer questions central to Australia’s current economic and policy environment “by drawing

attention to the supply-demand relationships that underpin different construction markets, and

clarifying the difference between ‘invention’ and ‘innovation’ in the development of building products.”.

“What is the role of technical progress in a construction sector that is committed to the sustainable

generation of social and economic value?  Is the definition of progress in construction tied to the nature

of building work and building markets, or is the result of external industry factors?”

“And finally, can we design the course of Australia’s future built environment history by establishing

preferred technological paths now?”

Professor Tombesi is a former Fulbright Fellow at the University of California (Los Angeles).  Over the

past 20 years he has contributed to many of the world’s leading architectural and building publications,

and is currently on the editorial boards of Construction Management and Economics and UME.  A full

profile is available on request.

Event Details:

Inaugural Professorial Lecture

Professor Paolo Tombesi (Chair in Construction, Melbourne School of Design)

“Inventing Innovation”

Tuesday 20 October 2009, 6.30pm

Prince Philip Lecture Theatre (Ground Floor, Architecture Building, University of Melbourne)

To register: 

For more information:

Prof Paolo Tombesi (Melbourne School of Design):T: +613 8344 8981 E:

David Scott (Media Unit): T: +613 83440561 M: 0409024230 E: 

Media Alert

Available for immediate release

Attention: Newsdesk

Issued: Thursday 15 October 2009

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