Celebrating The Success Of The National Secondary School Computer Fund

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12th June 2008, 02:12pm - Views: 907

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Media Release


Celebrating the success of the National Secondary School

Computer Fund

The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) today welcomed the

announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister of those schools that have been

successful in the first round of applications from the Australian Government’s

National Secondary School Computer Fund.

This program is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to provide $1.1

billion over five years (2008–2012) for new or upgraded technology for all year 

9 - 12 students.  

“I am particularly pleased to see that priority in the first round has been given to

schools in the greatest need of ICT investment” said Mgr Tom Doyle, Chair of the


“The Commonwealth has consulted broadly across the government, Catholic and

Independent sectors to identify schools with a computer ratio of 1:8 or higher to

ensure that these schools have first access to funding, with the initial goal of

improving the ratio to 1:2” he said. “Over the longer term the goal is for every 

year 9 -12 student to have access to a computer”.

Mgr Doyle applauded this injection of funding from the Commonwealth into

information and communication technology for secondary schools.  He noted that

this is the way of the future and therefore something that all Australian children

should be able to access regardless of personal circumstances or which school they


The NCEC looks forward to continuing to work in partnership with the Government on

this important initiative.

For further information contact Monsignor Tom Doyle on 03 9596 1334.

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