Construction Careers Fast-tracked At Rmit

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28th January 2009, 11:17am - Views: 912

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Construction careers fast-tracked at RMIT

An exciting initiative at RMIT University will help young people fast-track their

careers in the construction industry by giving students the chance to gain

qualifications in record time.

Building Pathways to Construction will be officially launched at RMIT at 10.30am

today (Wednesday, 28 January).

With skill shortages in the construction industry at critical levels, the program

enables students to begin their vocational training in Year 11 and gain three

qualifications – and a broad range of industry experience – in just four years.

Elise Toomey, Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools Manager at

RMIT, said 12 students from schools across Melbourne had joined the pilot project.

“Students who successfully complete the credit-bearing Certificates and Diplomas

can bypass ENTER score requirements and gain direct entry into a Bachelor

program,” Ms Toomey said.

“These students gain three qualifications in less time than it would ordinarily take to

do one Bachelor degree.

“By enabling students to become qualified and work-ready in record time, this

program is exactly what the construction industry needs to address the many skill

shortages it faces into the future.”

Under the program, students study for a Certificate IV in Building and Construction

in Year 11 and 12, enabling them to begin the second year of a Diploma once they

have finished secondary school.

On completing the Diploma in Building and Construction, they can then progress

directly into the third year of either a Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction

Management) or a Bachelor of Applied Science (Project Management) at RMIT.

Ms Toomey said the program was one of many varied pathways into education

offered at RMIT, Australia’s largest dual-sector institution.

“RMIT’s flexible approach offers students a range of options for gaining the skills

they need to meet the demands of a rapidly moving global economy,” she said.

Building Pathways to Construction will be launched at 10.30am today at RMIT

Building 45, corner of Lygon St and Earl St, Melbourne. Students involved in the

project will be available for interview.

For interviews: RMIT University VET in Schools Manager, Elise Toomey, (03)

9925 3801 or 0410 208 420.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Media and Communications,

Gosia Kaszubska, (03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.

28 January, 2009

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