Countdown To Say Thank You

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17th July 2008, 05:00am - Views: 875

For Immediate Release: 17 July 2008

Countdown to say thank you
Education regularly ranks as one of the top five issues nationally but the teachers who inspire our children to
learn often go unrecognised and unrewarded. Nominating a teacher for the ASG Inspirational Teacher Awards
through the NEiTA teaching awards program provides parents, school, and early childhood communities with a
unique opportunity to say thank you to an outstanding teacher. However, time is running out as nominations
close on 31 July 2008.

`Teachers are at the heart of their students, schools and communities and they are central in ensuring that
young people achieve their potential,' says NEiTA's Chairman, Terry O'Connell. `It is crucial work that
deserves recognition at the very highest level.'

Inspirational teachers develop in students a strong and long-lasting love of learning, encourage student
empowerment and self-belief, stimulate students' creativity and innovative thinking, create dynamic teaching
environments, and have a positive influence on colleagues and community.

NEiTA has already received many nominations nationally for the awards. Nominated teachers will be
presented with a NEiTA Certificate of Nomination and ultimately the opportunity to gain recognition at the
national level with a specially crafted crystal apple award and professional development grants.

"If we as a nation are truly serious about education as an issue, we must continue to recognise and help
elevate the status of teachers because they are a crucial component in the education system,' Mr O'Connell

`Teachers do so many fantastic things for our children both in and out of the classroom,' says Mr O'Connell.
`Next to a parent, teachers have the most influence in a young person's life. When a teacher engages a
student with enthusiasm, skill, and passion, magic can happen in the mind of that student.'

Who can nominate?
Parents, school, and early childhood communities can nominate through their School Council, Committee of
Management, Parent Association, or Secondary Student Council. Parents can also nominate teachers

How can I nominate?
Nominating a teacher is easy and simple.
You can nominate online at and click on the Nominate Now! link.
To receive a nomination form by mail or fax, contact the NEiTA Secretariat by phone 1800 624 487 or email
[email protected] or fax (03) 9276 7798.

What is the closing date?
Thursday, 31 July 2008 the countdown is on, so Nominate Now!

For more background information about NEiTA and its awards program, please visit the website:
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For more information, please contact:
Janet Thomas, Public Relations ASG on behalf of the NEiTA
Ph: 03 9276 7758 Mob: 0402 837 758 Email: [email protected]

F:\PR\AAA-MEDIA MATERIALS\2008\NEiTA Nominations Closing Media Rel-100708\Final\NEiTAMRel_Countdown_To_Say_Thank_You.doc

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