Design Victoria Launches Report On Tertiary Design Education In Victoria

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13th November 2009, 11:30am - Views: 1070

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Media release

Designing Our Future: How does Victoria’s tertiary design education

measure up?

A new report, Designing Our Future: A Report on Tertiary Design Education in Victoria,

launched on 12 November 2009 at the Cumulus International Design Conference,

examines tertiary design education in Victoria to ensure the finest design graduates for

the industry are being developed.

In 2008, Design Victoria commissioned Wallis Consulting Group to research and build a

bank of knowledge on Victoria’s design sector. The findings, launched in December 2008

in the publication Five Years On, painted a picture of a thriving and competitive design

industry. From this research, knowledge gaps were identified and subsequently the

Victorian Government through RMIT University’s Design Victoria unit, commissioned

Wallis Consulting Group to undertake research into the tertiary design education sector. 

The findings, captured in Designing Our Future, offer valuable insight for government, the

education sector and the design industry in the ongoing process of tailoring training and

education of Victoria’s design students: 

Victoria’s tertiary design education sector has continued to grow strongly over the past

five years. Despite this growth, the report identifies a range of deterrents to entering

tertiary design education, from course selection during VCE to a lack of understanding

of what a career in design entails.

Students indicated a high level of satisfaction with course content and teaching,

however Victoria’s design education falls short of the criteria that define the leading

design schools around the world. 

There is scope for improvement including increased opportunities for workplace

experience, and greater interdisciplinary work between design and other faculties,

particularly with business and commerce.

The report is available online at

Designing Our Future updates the dandolo partners research on the sector undertaken in

2003. It provides an opportunity for discussion around teaching practices, course planning

and interdisciplinary learning.

Speaking at the launch Michele Azzopardi, Director, Design Victoria, emphasised the

importance of world class design education and training. “Victoria’s design industry is

currently thriving but we need to ensure that we are developing the next generation of

design graduates who can maintain the momentum and advance and renew the sector in

the future,” said Ms Azzopardi. 

Tertiary design education is delivered in Victoria through nine universities, 17 TAFE schools

and 11 private colleges. “Within this framework a spectrum of design education and training

is offered from one year private courses to Masters Degrees and postgraduate

qualifications,” said Dr John Fidler, Director and General Manager, Wallis Consulting Group. 

Media contact: 

Michelle Dall, Communications Coordinator, Design Victoria     T: 03 9925 4071     M: 0412 480 515

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