Samantha Hicks
F: 03 9349 5849;
T: 03 9285 9106
M: 0404 878 459
18 November 2009
For immediate use
Distinguished UK Politician, David Blunkett to address VPS
Globalisation and the corresponding flows of people, information and capital have made the world
seem a smaller place. The web has also accelerated the transmission of ideas, observations and
critique which shoot around the globe in almost milliseconds.
How do we maintain individuality and a sense of community in an era of mass media and
globalisation? What role can civil society play in retaining identity and the ties that bind cohesive
and resilient communities?
Join The Hon. David Blunkett MP and Rod Glover for a discussion on whether civil society can
provide a counterweight to globalisation and internet-driven individualisation.
Think Global Act Local
Treasury Theatre
1 Macarthur Street
For further information or to arrange an interview contact Samantha Hicks on 9285 9106 or
0404 878 459.