Dresden Chess Appeal To The Schools Of The World

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17th November 2008, 03:00pm - Views: 877

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Dresden Chess Appeal to the Schools of the World

DRESDEN and ST. GOAR, Nov 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Methodical Chess Instruction Integrated Into School Curriculum Supports

Children's Intellectual Growth: Chess Makes Kids Smarter!


    Children receiving instruction in chess learn:

    - to focus their attention and to retain high degree of concentration

    - to mentally visualize positions and sequences of moves

    - to train their memory

    - to think ahead, plan their activities in advance

    - to reevaluate, once situation changes

    - to develop patience, thoughtfulness and originality

    - to weigh options

    - to assess the results of their actions

    - to develop stamina, determination and social skills*

    Such attainments also improve their grade-point average in other school subjects.

    For primary schools we recommend:

    I. Introduction of 45 Minutes methodical chess instruction per week in the curriculum of elementary schools in the

first grade.

    II. From the second grade onwards, the conversion of one class in mathematics into a chess class, thus bringing

instruction in chess to 90 minutes a week.

    III. The methodical instruction in chess should last for two to four school years starting as early as possible; that

is, beginning with the first grade.

    The first playful encounter with chess can commence in kindergarten.

    IV. A gradual further development of chess instruction:

    The first step in introducing chess into schools can be managed by the existing teaching staff although an

introductory period of training would be necessary. As personal suitability is paramount, the instructors must not be

chosen merely on the basis of their subject-specific qualifications – the benefit of chess instruction stands and falls

with the personality of the teacher.

    * A more detailed compilation by Chessmaster Jerry Meyers:

    "The Benefits of Chess in Education", page 9:


        Deutsche Schachstiftung

    ref.: Matthias Draeger

    Auf dem Haehnchen 34, 56329 St. Goar

    Tel. +49-6741-1720

    E-mail: post@schachstiftung.de


SOURCE: German Chess Foundation


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