Enrol To Vote Week 2008 Looking For More Queensland Schools To Participate

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15th July 2008, 11:02am - Views: 834

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15 July 2008

Enrol to Vote Week 2008 looking for more Queensland schools to


More than 1600 schools have registered for national Enrol to Vote Week so far, but

the Australian Electoral Commission still wants more schools to participate. Enrol

to Vote Week is taking place from 28 July to 3 August.

“We are writing and telephoning schools in Queensland to invite them to

participate.  So far we are delighted that 226 schools have registered, but we

encourage even more schools to become involved in Enrol To Vote Week,” said

Anne Bright, AEC’s Queensland State Manager.

“Schools are a very good way for us to reach young people and let them know that

it is compulsory for them to enrol if they are an Australian citizen aged 18 or older,”

said Ms Bright.

Enrol to Vote Week has also received support from Association of Heads of

Independent Schools of Australia, Association of Principals of Catholic Secondary

Schools of Australia, Australian Secondary Principals’ Association and the

Independent Schools Council of Australia.

The Australian Electoral Commission is supporting Enrol To Vote week by

providing enrolment forms, educational resources, promotional materials, 

e-newsletters and other information on the Enrol to Vote Week website.

To see if your school is registered, or to find out more visit

enroltovoteweek@aec.gov.au or call the AEC on 13 23 26 (press 2 when


Media contact:

Tim Scott

Public Awareness Officer

Queensland State Office

Australian Electoral Commission

Telephone: 07 3834 3443

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