Exceptional Teachers Recognized At Microsoft 2008 Worldwide Innovative Teachers Forum

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7th November 2008, 03:22am - Views: 929

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Exceptional Teachers Recognized at Microsoft 2008 Worldwide Innovative Teachers


HONG KONG, Nov. 6 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

From 64 countries around the world, 250 teachers, school administrators and 

          education policymakers meet to reward educator excellence. 


    Today in Hong Kong, teachers were recognized for their creativity and

innovation in the classroom as part of Microsoft Corp.'s 2008 Worldwide

Innovative Teachers Forum (ITF). Now in its fourth year, the Worldwide ITF

rewards outstanding teachers who practice exceptional 21st century learning and

incorporate the creative use of technology in their classrooms.


    (Logo:  http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO

    At the forum, a panel of distinguished education leaders from around the 

world selected a handful of educators as Innovative Teachers of the Year for 

creating solutions that improve and extend the way students learn using 

technology, in the following categories:  


    Innovation in Collaboration  

    First place    New Zealand -- Nathan Kerr, Collaboration and Digital 

                   Learning Projects within a Multi-Cultural School 

    Second place   Uganda -- Ronald Ddungu, Education for Sustainability 

    Third place    Brazil/Portugal -- Emilia Miranda, Marise Brandao and Marli 

                   Fiorentin, Flight BPF 


    Innovation in Community  

    First place    Australia -- Andrew Douch, Anywhere Anytime Biology Class 

    Second place   South Africa -- Sarietje Musgrave, Spread the Sunshine     

Third place    Germany/Austria -- Elke Mayer, Gabriele Jauck, Together in  

                   a World of Learning 


    Innovation in Content  

    First place    India - Parambir Singh Kathait, Let's Explore the Universe 

    Second place   Senegal - Ousmane Diouf, Electronic Alarm 

    Third place    United Kingdom - Dan Roberts, Recharge the Battery 

                   Ireland - Kate O'Connell, Flying High Exploring Aviation  

    Educator's Choice  

    First place    El Salvador - Mariella Paz, Business Game 

    Second place   Singapore -- Fong Yin Kuan, Digital Story Telling @ Beacon 

    Third place    Thailand - Pongpanote Phongpanngam, Instructional Games for 

                   Kids by Kids 



    "It is an inspiration to see teachers from 64 countries around the world 

collaborate together and show how they are using technology in innovative ways 

to change the way their students learn," said Ralph Young, vice president of 

Worldwide Public Sector at Microsoft, during the ITF awards ceremony. "At the 

heart of the Innovative Teachers Forum is the belief that teachers from all

over the world are transforming education and using innovative learning 

methods to empower their students and prepare them for the 21st century."  

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    The ITF is part of Microsoft's Partners in Learning program, a global

initiative under the Unlimited Potential commitment designed to help increase 

technology access for schools, foster innovative approaches to education, and 

provide educators with the tools to manage and implement change. Since its

inception in 2003, the Partners in Learning program has reached more than 123 

million teachers and students in 103 countries. With five years of continued 

financial support so far, Microsoft's 10-year investment in the initiative is 

nearly $500 million (U.S.), underscoring the company's commitment to making

technology more relevant and accessible for everyone through affordable 

licensing programs, training and partnerships. 

    In Hong Kong, Partners in Learning has reached over 11,000 education 

leaders and teachers and engaged over 80,000 students, bringing the benefits 

of innovation and technology to education.  

    "The use of computers is no longer confined to the science or IT lab at

schools  -- computers and devices are becoming central to our lives and are 

shaping how we learn and access information," said Hoihung Ma, Hong Kong's

Microsoft Innovative Teacher of the Year. "Computers are not only a dynamic 

way to deliver interactive educational resources, but also the first line in 

teaching children fundamental information and communication technology skills 

that will help them develop and become more competitive when they enter the

work force." 

    Erik Westrum, an Innovative Teacher from Norway, believes the Innovative 

Teachers Forum provides a unique opportunity for teachers from all over the

world to share experiences and improve teaching methods with technology in


    "Often, teachers are hesitant to adopt technology into their curriculum

until they get a chance to experience firsthand the benefits and possibilities 

for their students," Westrum said. "Discussing with my peers how technology has

transformed their students' learning environment is very inspiring and reminds

me of why I began teaching -- to share my love of learning new 


    More information about the Innovative Teachers Forum is available at 


    About Unlimited Potential  

    Microsoft, through its Unlimited Potential vision, is committed to making 

technology more affordable, relevant and accessible for the 5 billion people 

around the world who do not yet enjoy its benefits. The company aims to do so 

by helping to transform education and foster a culture of innovation, and

through these means enable better jobs and opportunities. By working with

governments, intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations 

and industry partners, Microsoft hopes to reach its first major milestone -- 

to reach the next 1 billion people who are not yet realizing the benefits of 

technology -- by 2015. 


    About Microsoft  

    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in 

software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their 

full potential. 


SOURCE: Microsoft Corp. 

    NOTE TO EDITORS: If you are interested in viewing additional information 

on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Web page at 

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http://www.microsoft.com/presspass on Microsoft's corporate information pages.

Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, 

but may since have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and 

analysts may contact Microsoft's Rapid Response Team or other appropriate

    CONTACT:  Rapid Response Team, 

              Waggener Edstrom Worldwide,  



    Photo:  NewsCom:  http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO    


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