Fostering Satellite Communication At Rmit

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Fostering satellite communication at RMIT

RMIT University students and researchers will have access to cutting-edge satellite

communications technology thanks to the support of a world leader in networking

solutions, ITC Global.

The company has provided the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering with

an industry standard two-way earth terminal, making RMIT the only Australian

university to receive full access to its global communications network via a number of

geosynchronous satellites.

Associate Professor James Scott, Discipline Head of Communication Engineering at

RMIT, said the company’s generous sponsorship would enable students to gain a

practical understanding of the challenges involved in operating live satellite links. 

“Our students will be learning the skills they will need for their careers by working on

the latest generation of systems that are used in the industry,” he said.

“We can now conduct teaching and research experiments that involve actual uplinking

to working satellites.

“ITC Global’s support will not only enhance RMIT’s research capabilities in satellite

communications but will also enable our graduates to hit the ground running when

they head into the workforce.”

Associate Professor Scott said discussions had already begun with ITC Global on

possible joint research and development projects, and the University looked forward

to mutually beneficial technical collaborations with the company into the future.

Chris Hill, Manager of ITC Global’s Australian Operations and an alumnus of RMIT’s

Master of Telecommunication Engineering program, said the quality of the University’s

programs deserved strong industry support. 

“We are very keen to cultivate strength in satellite communications education and

research in Australia, and RMIT is one of the few universities in the country that works

to develop highly-skilled graduates in this area,” Mr Hill said.

“The system RMIT students and researchers will work with is the same that our clients

use in Australia and around the world, so the skill sets they develop will be directly

transferable into the workplace.”

In honour of the company’s generous support, RMIT’s communications laboratory has

been renamed the ITC Global Satellite Communications Laboratory.

For interviews: RMIT University Discipline Head of Communication Engineering,

Associate Professor James Scott, (03) 9925 3248 or

ITC Global, Manager, Australian Operations, Chris Hill, (08) 6263 0444 or

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Media and Communications,

Gosia Kaszubska, (03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.

23 March, 2009

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