Graduate's Multimedia Passion Earns Major Rmit Prize

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Graduate’s multimedia passion earns major RMIT prize

Deans Marsh resident Atlanta Bell has been named Graduate of the Year in the 58th

annual RMIT University Printing Industry Training Awards.

Ms Bell, who completed the Diploma of Printing and Graphic Arts (Multimedia) last

year, won the Collie Print Trust Graduate of the Year Award at the awards night, held

last week.

Since graduating last year, she has been freelancing in art, photography and

multimedia, including a stint as a freelance arts photographer at the Falls Festival in

Lorne this January.

“I chose to study at RMIT because I was eager to add to my art and photography skills

with state-of-the-art multimedia knowledge,” Ms Bell said.

“I found the TAFE program at RMIT really valuable and it covered so many aspects of

what you can do. The teachers were great and I really learned a lot in the year I was



Ms Bell’s other freelance jobs since completing her diploma have included taking

photos for an instructional DVD for Crown Casino’s security staff and creating a

website for All Clothing. She is currently working on a website to showcase her

photography and multimedia skills.

“My passion for photography and design has been the driving force behind my pursuit

for a position where I can create digital images as well as the multimedia to display

them – the website I’m building for myself will in effect be my CV,” she said.

“Winning this prestigious award is a real surprise. 

“I was already planning to go travelling in Europe later this year and had no idea I

would win! 

“I can now use my trip to research where I’ll visit for the scholarship study tour I’ve

won as part of the Graduate of the Year prize.”

The RMIT University Printing Industry Training Awards acknowledge the

achievements of apprentices and graduates across the printing training packages

offered by the International Centre of Graphic Technology (ICGT), part of RMIT’s

School of Design (TAFE), in Victoria and Tasmania.

Media note: A high-quality image of Ms Bell at the awards is available.

For more information about the awards or the ICGT: RMIT University, ICGT

Director, Robert Black, (03) 9925 9413.

To interview Atlanta Bell and for general media enquiries: RMIT University,

Media and Communications, Deborah Sippitts, (03) 9925 5047 or 0400 844 075.

30 March, 2009   

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