Grylls And Nationals Abandon Regional School Support Workers

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14th October 2009, 09:45pm - Views: 1047

Media Release

14 October 2009

Grylls and Nationals abandon regional school

support workers

National Party leader Brendon Grylls today refused to support a fair wages deal for

thousands of school support workers working in regional areas of Western Australia.

Responding to a question in Parliament today from Albany MLA Peter Watson, Mr

Grylls backed Treasurer Troy Buswell’s refusal to consider a wage increase of more

than 44 cents an hour for education assistants, school cleaners and gardeners.  The

refusal came despite the Liberal-National Government recently awarding teachers and

police officers much bigger wage increases. 

LHMU Secretary Dave Kelly said regional school support workers would feel

abandoned by Mr Grylls and the Nationals.

“Brendon Grylls and the Nationals have a responsibility to use their balance-of-power

position in State Parliament to stand up for regional workers,” said Mr Kelly.

“We have recently seen that Mr Grylls and the Nationals are prepared to use their

balance-of-power position in the Parliament to block Mr Barnett extending shopping

hours in Perth.  Unfortunately, Mr Grylls appears unwilling to use his influence to stand

up for issues that really matter to regional people, such as the wages and conditions of

people who work in regional schools.

“I call on school support workers in regional areas and all people who value the quality

of education in regional areas to contact Mr Grylls and the Nationals and urge them to

support a fair wages deal for school support workers so that education standards can

be maintained for children living in regional WA.”

Mr Kelly said that school support workers needed a fair deal.

“School support workers are some of the State Government’s lowest paid employees,

earning roughly $35,000 a year.

“Mr Buswell is offering school support workers a pay rise of only 44 cents an hour,

which is completely unfair when you consider he has put up average household bills by

more than $1,000 over the last year.  Power bills have gone up more than 25 per cent,

gas by 23 per cent and water by 10 per cent.

   Media Release

People Feature LHMU 2 image

“With WA entering a new boom and the State Government about to be rolling in cash

from major resource projects like the Gorgon gas project, Mr Buswell can afford to offer

school support workers a much fairer deal.

“If Mr Buswell refuses to offer school support workers a fair wages deal, then Mr Grylls

should show the same strength of character he has shown in standing up to the Liberals

on retail trading hours and demand a fair deal for school support workers working in

regional WA.”

Contact: Daniel Smith 0405 463 702

61 Thomas Street, Subiaco WA 6008       

Authorised by Dave Kelly

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