Gta Welcomes 50,000 New Green Jobs And Training Opportunities

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30th July 2009, 02:21pm - Views: 793

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Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs)

employing over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

30 July 2009

GTA welcomes 50,000 new green jobs and training


Group Training Australia (GTA), the single largest network employing over 40,000

apprentices and trainees,

today welcomed the

announcement by the Prime

Minister of 50,000 new green jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships to help young

people learn new skills during the economic downturn and drive a new green


GTA Chief Executive Officer, Jim Barron, said the announcement will allow young

people to lead the way towards a highly skilled, low-carbon economy.

“We applaud these new measures that will not only help young people gain

sustainable skills during the downturn, but also set them up for a bright future. 

“Before you can ‘green’ the economy, you have to ‘green’ the education and

training system, and this announcement will take us a step further towards that


“The skilling of 30,000 apprentices and trainees

including electricians, plumbers

and mechanics in sustainable products and practices will further advance efforts to

create a low carbon economy in Australia.” 

The 50,000 places will be made up of: 

10,000 places in a new National Green Jobs Corps – 26 weeks of green job

training and work for out-of-work 18-24 year olds

30,000 apprentices and trainees learning green skills competencies through

a new National Green Skills Agreement

4,000 disadvantaged jobseekers working in the current insulation program

6,000 local green jobs in priority communities

“By folding

sustainable skills into apprenticeships

and traineeships,

we can

develop a highly-skilled and environmentally aware workforce

that can implement

real changes in the way Australian’s work and live. 



“However it is important that we have enough quality teachers to support

sustainable skills training

and introduce the latest technologies and practices

through effective training packages.” 

GTA looks forward to working with the government, Industry Skills Councils and

other key stakeholders to ensure all relevant competencies are effectively

embedded into training packages before January 2010. 

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications

02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,  

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