How To Get The Best Out Of The My School Website 1

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11th February 2010, 10:00am - Views: 844

The National Federation of Organisations Representing Parents of Students in Non-government Schools

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DATE: February 11, 2010

SUBJECT: My School website
"How to get the best out of the My School website" an on-line resource
for parents

CONTACT: Ian Dalton, Executive Director PHONE: 0411 255 418

The Australian Parents Council (APC) has today released an important on-line resource
for parents: How to get the best out of the My School website.

APC executive director, Ian Dalton, said that with the amount of ,,experts promulgating
conflicting opinions about My School, APC felt it was important that a readily accessible
resource be made available to parents that provided simple, unbiased but accurate
information about My School so that parents can use the website effectively, but with a
sense of proportion.

"APC research across a number of years has clearly shown that parents want good
information about schools," Mr Dalton said. "My School provides good information, but it
has limitations, is open to misinterpretation if not considered in context and might be
relied upon too heavily by parents in making judgements about the performance of
schools. It is therefore important that parents are helped to understand and interpret My
School information, so that they can use it to its best effect."

Mr Dalton added that there are a number of fact sheets on the My School website, but
many parents are time poor, so APCs intention in producing How to get the best out of
the My School website was to distil the information for parents and provide context using
APCs research findings.

The brochure can be downloaded from the Latest News area of the APC website


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