Hsc Results

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16th December 2009, 05:05pm - Views: 950
Embargoed until 2pm, Wednesday 16th December


Outstanding HSC Results in Independent Schools

After topping the HSC First In Course results, independent schools continued their outstanding run of success in the 2009 HSC, said Dr Geoff Newcombe, Executive Director of the Association of Independent Schools of NSW.

"The results announced today by the Board of Studies show that students from independent schools have again performed exceptionally well in the HSC", Dr Newcombe said.

"It speaks volumes for the quality of teaching that while just 24% of the 2009 HSC candidates came from independent schools, they represented 41% of those on the All Round Excellence list and 37% of the Distinguished Achievers."

Distinguished Achievers are students who achieved a top band result in their course, while those on the All Round Excellence list are those who were Distinguished Achievers across 10 or more units of study.

It was reported yesterday that 40% of all students who placed First in Course were from independent schools.

Dr Newcombe stated: "These achievements are the result of the great commitment shown by the students and their teachers, with the support of their families. Every student who completed their HSC should be very proud of their effort and deserves our congratulations."

"Particularly pleasing is that these results were achieved by a very diverse range of independent schools catering for students from all backgrounds. The 2009 results are similar to previous years, showing that NSW independent schools continue to offer a consistently high quality of education to their students." said Dr Newcombe.

Media contact:
Malcolm Hunt on
0412 885 136


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