Intensive Courses In Business Administration As Distance Learning Courses

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9th July 2008, 06:36am - Views: 872

People Education Betriebswirtschaftliches Institut Und Seminar Basel AG 1 image

Intensive Courses in Business Administration as Distance Learning Courses

BASEL, July 8 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    With their nine-month extra-occupational intensive course in "Business

Administration" the Betriebswirtschaftliches Institut und Seminar Basel

( addresses managers and self-employed

professionals who require the management tools of Business Administration for

the advancement of their careers. The start of the winter term for this

flexibly structured Distance Learning Course is on 15 October 2008. According

to Dr. Ralf Andreas Thoma, Director of Studies, "Nowadays receiving a

consolidated, practice-oriented education in business administration leading

to an additional professional qualification is absolutely necessary to

further one's career and to improve one's job opportunities."

    Imparting practice-oriented knowledge of "Business Administration" is at

the centre of our Distance Learning Course leading to the Business Economist

Certificate (BI). This intensive course comprises all the essential

topics of Business Administration and is tailored to suit experienced managers

and self-employed professionals coming from disciplines other than economics.

The Intensive Course in Business Administration is flexibly composed of

10 modules and organised exclusively as a distance learning course. Work and

study can be coordinated without having to move or leave one's private


    The tuition fees for this Intensive Course in Business Administration are

4,600 Euros.

    Betriebswirtschaftliches Institut und Seminar Basel AG

    Founded in Basel/Switzerland in 1999, the Betriebswirtschaftliches

Institut und Seminar Basel AG is a private institute of further education

offering a variety of practice-oriented and efficient courses of study. Over

100 participants enrol on the intensive courses each year. The Institute is

eduQua-certified and member of the SVEB (Swiss Association for Adult

Education) and the European Association of Distance Learning (EADL).


    Betriebswirtschaftliches Institut

    und Seminar Basel AG

    Dr. Ralf Andreas Thoma

    Eisengasse 6

    CH-4051 Basel

    Telefon +41(0)61-2612000

    Telefax +41(0)61-2616636


    Source: Betriebswirtschaftliches Institut und Seminar Basel AG

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