Joining Forces For Medical Research In Asia And Africa

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Joining forces for medical research in Asia and Africa

A University of Melbourne academic has been awarded US$150,000 in funding to help researchers in Asia and

Africa better understand how fungi cause disease. Despite being one of the most significant health problems in

many emerging countries, not enough is known about medically important fungi. 

Dr Alex Andrianopoulos, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute research scholar in the Department of Genetics

has been awarded the funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to develop and run a seven-day

advanced techniques workshop on the genetic analysis of fungal diseases. The course will run in Thailand, with

scientists coming from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, India, Iran, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania,

Uganda and Brazil. The workshop is provided for graduate students, postdoctoral associates and principal

investigators. Follow up visits will also be incorporated for continued support.

“In the West, we usually associate fungi disease with tinea and dandruff. But in emerging nations, it’s a massive

health issue with two species of fungi in the top three infections of AIDS patients in South East Asia. Fungal

infections can also affect travelers,” says Dr Andrianopoulos.

Fungal infections are particularly hard to treat as their biology is similar to that of cells in the human body-

making it difficult to find drug targets which only affect the fungus. Once a fungal infection is established, most

patients with an impaired immune system require continued prophylactic treatment for life.

“One of the biggest problems with fungal research in Asia and other regions in the world is a skills gap in

genetically manipulating these organisms, which is needed to understand their biology and the genetics behind

their ability to cause disease. In less resourced labs, the best way to bring researchers up to speed on these

techniques is by demonstration, so I am working on filling this gap with advanced techniques workshops and


“My hope is that these workshops will have a big impact on fungal research in the region, particularly as

participants will meet a number of the top researchers in the field from Australia, USA and the UK who will act

as instructors. It may also encourage researchers in this region to attend conferences to hear about the latest

advances and establish networks.”

The species of particular interest in Asia and Africa are Penicillium marneffei and Cryptococcus neoformans

which contribute major health issues for AIDS patients and other immunocompromised individuals. Candida

albicans (the species that causes thrush) is also a substantial problem in the region, as it is worldwide.

Penicillium marneffei is unique because other members of the Penicillium group of fungi do not cause disease

(a number of species in the Penicillum group are medically and biotechnologically important for the production

of the antibiotic Penicillin and for blue cheeses such as roquefort), Part of the reason why Penicillium marneffei

may be able to cause disease is that when it enters the human body, which is 37



it can take on a different

form and become pathogenic. None of the other Penicillium species has this capacity.

For more information: 

Dr Alex Andrianopoulos, Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Mob:

0425 792 736 , Email:

Dr Nerissa Hannink, Media Office, University of Melbourne, Mob: 0430 588 055, 


Media Release

Available for immediate release

Attention: Newsdesk

Issued: Thursday 19 November 2009

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