Kelmscott Student Top Historian

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20th November 2009, 10:12pm - Views: 1065

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Media Statement  

Attention: News Editor / Chief of Staff


Kelmscott student top young historian

Kelmscott Senior High School student and WA Young Historian of the Year Daniel Jauk will travel to

Canberra this weekend to compete in the final of the National History Challenge.

The Year 10 student’s 10-minute documentary on World War I military commander and engineer Sir

John Monash at the WA awards last month earned him the prestigious title and chance to compete on

the national stage.

“I was intrigued by Sir John Monash because I hadn’t realised how much he triumphed over adversity

and had an impact on Australia’s history,” Daniel said.

“My interest in history was sparked by watching movies and I really like learning about how the past

has affected the present.”

The theme for this year’s competition was ‘triumph over adversity.’

Department of Education Director General Sharyn O’Neill said the award was the icing on the cake for

public schools, which shone in the WA section of the National History Challenge.

Public school students won seven categories and received 15 high commendations in addition to

Daniel’s WA Young Historian of the Year award.

“WA public school students have been recognised in almost every category of the Challenge, which is

a fantastic result,” Ms O’Neill said.

“These students produced essays, websites and museum displays of an exceptionally high standard

and showed a thorough understanding of the topics.

“Congratulations to each of the students for their excellent achievement, and best of luck to Daniel for

next week.”

The WA section of the National History Challenge is run by the History Teachers’ Association of

Western Australia.

Kelmscott Senior High School’s history program enjoyed further success this month when Year 10

student Liam Richer was selected from hundreds of entrants to travel to Gallipoli next April for the 2010

Premier’s ANZAC Student Tour. 


Note: a list of winners and highly commended public school students follows. Interviews and

photographs can be arranged on request.

Media contact: Carmen Carter (08) 9264 5723.




National History Challenge

WA section – public school winners, by category

Using Archival Records

Highly commended – Heather Jones, of Shenton College

In War and Peace

Highly commended – Anupama Bharadwaj, of Shenton College

Winner – Daniel Jauk, of Kelmscott Senior High School

Asia and Australia

Highly commended (no winner) – Stephanie Cotnair, of Mount Lawley Senior High School

Australia’s Heritage

Winner – Nick Singer, of Shenton College

Immigrant Experiences

Highly Commended – Sam Dowd, of Shenton College

Highly Commended – Kate Dores, of Shenton College

Winner – Siti (Mia) Riduzuan, of Katanning Senior High School

Indigenous Australia

Highly Commended – Marqueeta Hill, of Narrogin Primary School

Life and Times of John Curtin

Highly Commended – Sarah Desmond, of Marmion Primary School

Highly Commended – Kristan Teasdale, of Shenton College

Winner – Tarryn Haas, of Boddington District High School

Museum Display

Highly Commended – Andrew Cullen, of Carnamah District High School

Australian Prime Ministers

Highly Commended – Isabelle Campbell, of Shenton College

History of Sport

Highly Commended – Matthew Beard, of Shenton College

Women Beating the Odds

Highly Commended – Amber Blackburn, of Esperance Senior High School

Highly Commended – Stacy Stanley, of Wagin District High School

Winner – Amy Dickerson, of Boddington District High School

Year 5/6 Division

Winner – Tayla Read, of Carnamah District High School

Year 7/8 Division

Highly Commended – Nellie Wetherspoon, of Shenton College

Winner – Kristan Teasdale, of Shenton College

Year 9/10 Division

Highly Commended – Sophie Prober, of Mount Lawley Senior High School

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