Landmark Reforms Usher New Opportunities For Apprentices

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8th December 2009, 02:51pm - Views: 815

People Education Group Training Australia 1 image

People Education Group Training Australia 2 image

Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing

over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.


December 2009

Landmark reforms usher new opportunities for apprentices

Group Training Australia (GTA), the single largest network employing up to 40,000

apprentices and trainees,

has welcomed the announcement of a new national training

regulator, as well as steps to strengthen the apprenticeship system

at the Council of

Australian Governments (COAG) meeting yesterday. 

CEO of Group Training Australia, Jim Barron said the announcements place a renewed

focus on the importance of apprentice commencement, retention and completion.

“COAG has taken genuine strides to deliver a thoroughly modern, flexible and targeted

training system. 

“It is long overdue that we are about to achieve both a nationally consistent system of

provider regulation and a renewed focus on the critical importance of apprenticeships to our

future skills needs. 

“This represents a quantum leap in training reform with the agreement to fortify the

apprenticeship system and place the focus on helping apprentices gain a solid future.” 

COAG agreed on actions to strengthen the apprenticeship system including to: 

develop and implement a more seamless apprenticeship access, re-entry, deferral

and support system 

develop and implement nationally-consistent standards for training plans 

develop and introduce a reformed pre-apprenticeship system 

review apprenticeship and traineeship incentives to target better quality outcomes,

including strengthened financial support for skill shortage areas 

strengthen mentoring and support for out-of-trade apprentices and those at risk 

facilitate arrangements for effective implementation of competency-based

progression and completion for apprentices

“GTA is particularly pleased to see a major focus on pre-apprenticeships, and a commitment

to review financial incentives to ensure that the bulk of funds go to highly skilled trades, as

well as skill shortage areas,” said Mr Barron. 

“It is critical for Australia’s social and economic future that we create a skilled and productive

workforce by giving apprentices every opportunity and support. 

“For decades the VET system has been marred by a jurisdictional straightjacket between the

states and Commonwealth. GTA looks forward to working with authorities to help bring about

the necessary improvements to the system that will deliver results where they matter the




GTA also welcomed COAG’s endorsement of

the new Green Skills Agreement which will

implement greens skills into Training Packages from 2010 and progress the integration of

sustainable skills into the Australian workforce. 

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,

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