Local Girls In Chinese Adventure

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15th February 2010, 05:40pm - Views: 1006

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Chisholm Institute – The people who skill people




Media Release

February 16th 2010

For immediate release

Locals girls in Chinese adventure

Two local students have enjoyed a month-long work experience trip in south-east Asia thanks to a

Government program and some inspired fund-raising. 

Kelly Golding and Cassandra Edgar, both studying the Diploma of Events at Chisholm Institute, won

a VET Mobility scholarship funded by the Department of Education Employment and Workplace


The scholarship gave them the opportunity to experience a two-week industry placement at the five

star Intercontinental Hotel in Shenzhen in Southern China. 

“Fantastic!” is how Kelly Golding described the trip. 

“Everyone at the hotel was so friendly and welcoming,” she says, “There were a few language

issues – all we knew how to say was ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in Mandarin – but all the managers knew

English so we got by.” 

Cassandra was also enthusiastic. 

“It was a really great experience,” she says, “China is a very different culture to Australia in a lot of

ways, for instance in food, language, religion and family structure. Also, in China people smoke

anywhere they like!”

Cassandra and Kelly were kept busy in the hotel working in housekeeping. “We were cleaning

rooms and getting them ready for guests and also working in the uniform and laundry area,” Kelly


This was not Kelly’s first time in China. She went with her High School to Beijing and Xian in 2004

and enjoyed the experience so much she couldn’t wait to go back. The latest trip has only

cemented her love for the country. 

“It’s such an open, welcoming culture and it’s changing so fast,” she said, “I’d recommend it to


To contribute to the cost of the project the girls organised a trivia night fund raiser at Chisholm

Frankston’s Bunurong training restaurant. Strong support from their fellow students in the Diploma

course meant the night was a sold out success and the girls were able to get a boost to their travel


Cassandra and Kelly travelled to China in the company of Events Co-ordinator Cate Berg and

Manager, Culinary Events and Hospitality Department Lisa Confoy-Blackshaw. A highlight of the trip

for all four was a four-day excursion to Hong Kong and Macau, which Kelly described as ‘incredible’. 

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Chisholm Institute – The people who skill people




Two other Chisholm students, Jason Waugh and Bilal Baig from the Mechatronics program at the

Centre for Integrated Engineering and Science, also benefitted from the Outbound Mobility program,

spending several weeks in Malaysia.  

The VET Outbound Mobility Program seeks to give students at Australian VET institutions an

international study experience. The Program is part of the Endeavour Awards, the Australian

Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program.

~ END ~

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For media enquiries contact:

Nat Tunbridge

Client Co ordinator

Marketing and Corporate Communication

Chisholm Institute 

Ph: 9238 8307

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