New National Body For Teaching And School Leadership

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29th September 2009, 07:31pm - Views: 796
New National Body for Teaching and School Leadership

Media Release

29 September 2009

Teaching Australia Directors have welcomed the decision by Commonwealth, state and territory ministers, meeting in Brisbane on Monday 28 September, to establish a new national institute for teaching and school leadership.

"This is an exciting opportunity to create a truly national approach to professional standards and ongoing professional development for teachers and principals," according to the Chair of Teaching Australia, Dr Gregor Ramsey.

"By taking this decision, Governments have made a significant investment in excellence in teaching and school leadership across Australia and acknowledged the fundamental importance of first class teaching and school leadership to successful schooling. It is a vote of confidence in the profession as a whole. The new body will be well placed to play an important role in setting and using professional standards, creating innovative national professional learning activities, researching and improving pedagogy and school leadership and celebrating and learning from outstanding practice in schools."

The new Institute will be able to build on the valuable contribution Teaching Australia has made to quality schooling since its establishment as a national body for the teaching profession in November 2005. Achievements include the launch of a Charter for the Australian teaching profession; progress towards developing highly accomplished standards for teaching in specialist areas and principals; a national awards program that recognises exceptional achievements in teaching and school leadership; a national flagship program for principals in Leading Australia's Schools; innovative professional development activities for teachers and school leaders drawing on recognised excellence in schools; and a stronger evidence base for best practice in teaching and school leadership.

Teaching Australia has also brought the more than 30 national professional associations together in the Teaching Australia Network, to play a key role in shaping directions for education. Using this network of professional associations and harnessing the expertise of teachers and principals in the partnership proposed in the governance arrangements for the new body will be critical to its effectiveness in meeting the challenges of quality teaching and school leadership into the future.

"We look forward to helping make the transition to the new arrangements smooth and productive," Dr Ramsey said on behalf of his fellow Directors.

Teaching Australia Directors

Gregor Ramsey AM, Chair
Appointed by the Australian Government Minister for Education

Kwong Lee Dow AM, Deputy Chair
Appointed by the Australian Government Minister for Education

Patrick McGrath
Nominated by the Australian Primary Principals Association

Leonie Trimper
Nominated by the Australian Primary Principals Association

Andrew Blair
Nominated by the Australian Secondary Principals' Association

Geoffrey Ryan
Nominated by the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia

Susan Gazis AM
Kathryn Morgan
John Sarev
Anne Tumak
Nominated by the Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations

Jenny Lewis
Nominated by the Australian Council for Educational Leaders and the Australian College of Educators

Annette Patterson
Nominated by the Australian Council of Deans of Education

Media enquiries:
Dr Gregor Ramsey
0419 447 265

Teaching Australia - Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership is an independent national body, funded by the Australian Government to strengthen and advance the teaching profession. 1800 337 872

SOURCE: Teaching Australia

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