No School No Play - Why Not More School More Play?

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9th August 2010, 05:28pm - Views: 1028

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Media Release

The Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation


August 9 2010

No School No Play – Why not More School More Play?

The Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) has today

expressed concern over the ALP choice of the slogan No School No Play in their recently

announced policy targeting school truancy. In acknowledging that the spirit of the policy

reflects educationally sound intentions, National Executive Director Jeff Emmel expressed

reservations about the negative perception and potential negative impact on physical activity

opportunities for children that could arise if the issue was not handled properly with care and


“This is a complex policy issue that could be misinterpreted and has the potential to backfire

because it has punitive connotations. The Policy may well espouse the value and power of

sport in the lives of young people but if they see it being used as a stick and not a carrot the

policy could be quickly undermined. Many young people miss school for a range of complex

personal and social reasons and schools are already working extremely hard to get to the root

cause of problems, providing counselling and support to students and families. 

He went on to say it was commendable that National Sporting Organisations have put up their

hand to play an active role in addressing the problem of truancy and they would have done it

for the right reasons. ‘However, community clubs will be the places where this policy is

enacted and they will need support to ensure the punitive aspects of the issue do not prevail’.

Instead of saying No School No Play ACHPER would prefer a “More School, More Play”

slogan to better describe how schools and community clubs could cooperate in supporting

young people and using their love of sport as a positive motivation in both settings.

Contact Details

Jeffrey Emmel

National Executive Director

Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Inc.

phone 08 83403388  or 0403570915


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