Outstanding Researchers Graduate From Rmit

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3rd September 2008, 05:55pm - Views: 936

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Outstanding Researchers Graduate from RMIT

MELBOURNE, Sept. 3 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

Three outstanding PhD researchers will collect their degrees from RMIT

University, Melbourne, Australia, at a special ceremony in Hong Kong this week.

Chui Yu Hang and Lucille (Lo Shen) Yuk Yin will be among hundreds of graduands

who will receive their academic awards, while Thomas Fischer will graduate in

abstentia, at RMIT’s Hong Kong graduation ceremony on Friday, 5 September, at

the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, who is in

Hong Kong for the ceremony, congratulated the researchers and their fellow

graduates on their exceptional achievements.

“RMIT excels in applied research that makes a difference to our world, and the

work of our outstanding PhD researchers will make a lasting contribution to

knowledge, industry and development in the region,” Professor Gardner said.

Dr Chui researched gold nanoclusters, a promising nanomaterial with a range of

potential applications in nano-electronics and nano-biotechnology.

His research in the School of Applied Sciences developed computational

techniques that helped provide an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the

crystallisation of these nanoclusters.


Dr Yuk Yin examined changing social patterns within Hong Kong since the 1950s as

part of her PhD, with particular reference to its implications post-1997 and its

resulting dynamic for contemporary art practice.

Her research, through the School of Art, resulted in a thesis titled “Social

Consciousness: A Visual Exploration of its Formation and Change in Contemporary

Hong Kong”. 

Dr Fischer’s research in the School of Architecture and Design investigated the

design of digital design tools for non-standard architectural geometry, to

examine the nature of innovative processes. 

More than 600 graduands will receive academic awards for their studies completed

at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia, and at the University’s partner institutions in

Hong Kong at the graduation ceremony.

Media note: Media are welcome to interview/photograph Dr Chui and Dr Yuk Yin at

the RMIT University Graduation Ceremony on Friday, 5 September, at 10am.

RMIT University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO,

will be in Hong Kong on 4-5 September and is available for interview. 

RMIT is a global university with campuses in Vietnam and partnerships in Hong

Kong, China, Malaysia and Singapore

CONTACT: Paul Noonan, Head of RMIT University Media and Communications, 

         +61 409 239 021 or paul.noonan@rmit.edu.au

SOURCE: RMIT University

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