Premier Keneally Must Show Leadership - Delay The Decision On Dalwood's

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9th December 2009, 11:17am - Views: 931

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Media Release Carers Alliance 

                                          9 December, 2009

Premier Keneally called on to show leadership – delay the decision on Dalwood’s closure

Carers Alliance backs parents of students from Dalwood Assessment Centre in their call for

Premier Kristina Keneally to step in and delay the decision to close this vital facility until an

appropriate alternative is fully developed.

Dalwood Assessment Centre at Seaforth in Sydney is a residential intensive learning facility for

students from rural and remote NSW. Students receive intensive learning therapies in a short-stay

program which has been successful for over 35 years. In November the NSW government decided

to close this facility without warning or consultation.


“Vulnerable children with learning difficulties are an easy mark for a government wanting to slash

costs at any price.’ said Mary Lou Carter, party Secretary of Carers Alliance. “The NSW

government is looking for savings in all the wrong places and cashing in the future of rural children

who need intensive learning therapies unavailable in the bush. On the one hand we have a Federal

government trying to lessen the impact of disadvantage for students while on the other we have a

state government adding to it, the ultimate blame-game irony”


Michelle Bolte and Angela Brown from the Dalwood and Palm Avenue Parent Group both have

children at Dalwood. “The rural community feels betrayed by the duplicity and haste with which

government made this decision with no consultation whatsoever.” said Ms Brown. “Not only will our

children suffer,  we are also concerned for the more than one hundred children due to be assessed

in 2010,  to say nothing of the 230 rural children who each year will not have access to this vital

facility” added Ms Bolte.

David Cameron from the Isolated Childrens’ Parents Association (ICPA) said: “This one-of-a-kind

facility serves the entire state and after 35 successful years closing it  is simply bad policy which

will impoverish rural communities. It is rural children who are robbed of opportunity, that is the real

tragedy of this decision. This devastating decision was made without warning and has taken

parents, teachers and staff completely by surprise. Consultation after the event is just window-


“Dalwood is a neat and effective teaching facility offering intensive learning therapies in a

residential setting, for rural children with diverse learning problems such as dyslexia and speech

impairments. Through short-term stays the children receive these intensive therapies in a program

that has helped thousands of rural children overcome learning difficulties allowing them to prosper

and contribute to the richness of their community life.” said Mary Lou Carter.

Carter concludes by saying: “Carers Alliance calls on our new Premier Kristina Keneally to treat the

rural community with respect and to at least delay the decision for a year so there is time to

develop an alternative. That is the fair and decent thing to do. At the moment there is no credible

alternative. Delaying this decision will stamp Ms Keneally’s authority and leadership on NSW and

demonstrate how she will protect the vulnerable in all our communities. To do otherwise shows it’s

business as usual in NSW and the devil take the hindmost.” 


Contact: Dalwood & Palm Avenue Parent Group:  Michelle Bolte  0428 454 145   and Angela

Brown  0412 357 006  

Isolated Children’s Parents Assoc: David Campbell (President) 0427 005 040 /02 6796 5166                    

Contact:  Marylou Carter, Carers Alliance Party Secretary

0425 363 421 

Carers Alliance is a national political party formed to represent family carers and promote actions to

help family carers support the family member/s for whom they care 

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