Rotman School Dean Discusses Successful Leadership In Hong Kong Presentation

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16th March 2009, 11:21am - Views: 855

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Rotman School Dean Discusses Successful Leadership in Hong Kong Presentation

TORONTO, Mar. 16/PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    In his recent best-selling book, Prof. Roger Martin, Dean of the

University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, took a practitioners'

look at how great leaders succeed in the worlds of business, the arts and

not-for-profit organizations. This month Prof. Martin will discuss the

findings from The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through

Integrative Thinking (Harvard Business Press, 2007) during a presentation in

Hong Kong.

    The presentations will focus on the problem-solving power of "Integrative

Thinking". Prof. Martin will draw on more than 50 management stories from his

book including the masterminds behind successful firms such as Four Seasons

Hotels and Procter & Gamble, to demonstrate how, like the opposable thumb,

the "opposable mind" - Prof. Martin's term for the human brain's ability "to

hold two conflicting ideas in constructive tension" - is an intellectually

advantageous evolutionary leap through which decision-makers can synthesize

new and superior ideas. Using this strategy, his research focuses on what

leaders think, rather than what they do.

    Date:           Monday, March 30

    Agenda:         Registration from 6:30 to 7 pm

                    Presentation from 7 to 8 pm followed by book signing and


    Location:       Island Shangri-La Hotel, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road,

                    Central, Hong Kong (Harbour Room, 56th floor)

    Registration:   Members of the public should register online at

                    one copy of The Opposable Mind.)

    Media:          Please contact Ken McGuffin at

                    to arrange for a media pass or to interview Prof. Martin in

                    Hong Kong.

    Roger Martin has served as dean of the Rotman School of Management since

1998. He also holds the Premier's Chair in Competitiveness and Productivity

and is Director of the AIC Institute for Corporate Citizenship. Previously,

he spent 13 years as a Director of Monitor Company, a global strategy

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consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he served as co-head

of the firm for two years. He serves on the Boards of Thomson Reuters,

Research in Motion, and The Skoll Foundation. The Opposable Mind is his

second book.

    The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is

redesigning business education for the 21st century with a curriculum based

on Integrative Thinking. Located in the world's most diverse city, the Rotman

School fosters a new way to think that enables the design of creative

business solutions. The School is currently raising $200 million to ensure

Canada has the world-class business school it deserves. For more information,


SOURCE:  Rotman School of Management

    CONTACT: Ken McGuffin


             Media Relations

             Rotman School of Management

             University of Toronto



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