University of Sydney Media Release
19 January 2009
School of hard knocks could be
harming kids
Children’s academic progress could be being hindered by the stark differences
between the way childcare centres, preschools and schools manage behaviour,
according to a new study from the University of Sydney.
An analysis of policy documents from 40 childcare centres, preschools and
schools in Sydney found a sharp shift from the more positive approach of gently
guiding children at childcare centres, to a system based on rules, discipline and
rewards at schools.
Children who have difficulty coping with the transition from preschool or childcare
to the school environment may have trouble establishing a rapport with their
teacher, which in turn can have long-lasting effects, says researcher Natalie
“The nature and quality of the kindergarten teacher-child relationship can have
repercussions throughout a child’s schooling,” says Johnston-Anderson, who has
worked in both childcare and school sectors and who conducted the research as
part of an honours thesis.
Prior-to-school policies recognise young children are naturally explorative and will
act out in response to being ‘controlled’ by adults, she found. In contrast, most
school policies featured a ‘student welfare’ or ‘student discipline’ approach.
While 86 per cent of school policies identified using tangible rewards (such as
stickers, prizes or merit certificates), less than 10 percent of preschools in the
sample did. Just 12 per cent of childcare policies mentioned rewards, but when
they did they were all against the use of rewards.
While most childcare centres, preschools and school policies emphasised
acknowledging positive behaviour at a one-on-one level, every school policy
emphasised the public celebration of positive behaviour, but none of the childcare
policies did.
Seventy one per cent of school policies featured ordered lists of specific school
rules, while just one third of preschool policies did, and no childcare centre
policies did. And 86 per cent of school policies identified specific children’s
responsibilities, while no preschool or childcare policies did.
“Where the behavioural environment represents a gradual rather than sudden
change for children, the chance of developing positive teacher-child relationships
and hence having a successful transition is higher for all children,” Johnston-
Anderson said.
“For children already at risk, the differences between the two environments can
add an extra layer of challenge when they may already be struggling with
learning basic numeracy and literacy skills.”
While acknowledging the different staffing levels between the two sectors is partly
accountable for the different approaches, Johnston-Anderson calls for “greater
consistency between teacher training for early childhood (0-8) and primary (5-
More coordination between the sectors is also needed, she says. “Teachers in
kindergarten classrooms should understand and use the best elements of good
childcare and good preschool practice to make the transition easier for children.”
Interview requests: Kath Kenny, University of Sydney Media Office, on 02 9351
2261 or 0434 606 100. University of Sydney media after hours number 0434 609