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28th October 2009, 03:52pm - Views: 1054

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An RTA spokesperson said students from a Western Sydney high school would get a

chance to train with the newly crowned Champions League Twenty20 world

champions the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues at the Sydney Cricket Ground this afternoon.

“The students from Holy Spirit College in Lakemba won a competition after taking

part in the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues “On the Road” road safety road show earlier this


“The victorious captain and test batting star Simon Katich and the coach Matthew

Mott will lead the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues during this afternoon’s special training


“Batting stars Phillip Hughes and Phil Jaques will also be present.

“The students will get a chance to watch the final session of the RTA SpeedBlitz

Blues training session and will then be introduced to the team and train with the side.

“Matthew Mott and the team will run a number of training activities and games with

the students before they enjoy a BBQ together.

“The winner of the competition was Mitchell Mamary and 10 of his schoolmates.

the “On the Road” roadshow after it visited Holy Spirit College in June,” an RTA

spokesperson said.

“The lucky student had his name pulled from the prize draw.

“Geared is the RTA web site promoting the road safety message to young people.”

An RTA spokesperson said the RTA has been the major sponsor of the NSW men’s

cricket team, the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues, since 2002.

“The sponsorship has been renewed for a further three years through to June 2011.

“The sponsorship has been used to promote the RTA’s road safety message on

speeding. The RTA SpeedBlitz Blues visit schools throughout NSW, especially those

in areas with high crash statistics.

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“They reinforce the message that speed is OK on the field but not on the road.

Students get a chance to bowl a cricket ball as fast as they can and then again at a

slower speed with control, to emphasise the message that motorists should slow

down and take control when they are behind the wheel,” the RTA spokesperson said.

Interviews will be available on request.


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