Statement From The Vrqa Regarding Two College Closures

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7th December 2009, 04:35pm - Views: 1005

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7 December, 2009

Lynn Glover, Director of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

(VRQA), issued the following statement in relation to the announcement that the VRQA

has closed two colleges:

Australian Institute of Career Education Pty Ltd located in Queen Street,


Australian International College of Commerce Pty Ltd located in Lonsdale

Street, Melbourne

The VRQA has closed two private training organisations. These colleges have been closed as

the result of the audits undertaken by the VRQA. The VRQA has found the colleges to be

significantly non-compliant with relevant registration standards.

These colleges had been providing hospitality training exclusively to international students. In

total 129 students are affected. The VRQA is working with the Commonwealth Departments

of Education and Immigration and the ACPET to support students. ACPET will be managing

the process of placing students into suitable alternative courses with other providers here in


The first concern of the VRQA is the welfare of the students. The immediate priority is to

ensure that students currently enrolled at these colleges are briefed on their rights. The

VRQA attended both colleges this morning to provide students with information about

meetings to be held later in the week.

The VRQA will ensure that student’s rights are protected. 

For more information:

Lynn Glover

Director VRQA

03 9651 3201

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