Student Behaviour

People - Education Press Release
9th November 2009, 02:09pm -
Views: 837
University of Sydney Media Release
Student Behaviour
Dr. Michael Spence, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of
Sydney today issued the following statement in relation to the articles in
today's Sydney Morning Herald about certain behaviour in the University's
residential colleges.
"I want to assure everyone in our University and the wider community that I
regard the issues raised in these articles with the utmost seriousness.
I am appalled by the reported behaviour and apparent attitudes of some
students. There can be no excuses for sexual assault. Binge drinking is at
odds with our commitment to rational behaviour.
There should be no additional protection of any kind for students who break
the law. They must be accountable for their actions and should be treated just
like every other member of the community. Indeed, being a student of the
University arguably carries with it an additional obligation to uphold its values.
The University and the residential colleges have been working hard to bring
about a change in attitudes and behaviour. Obviously we still have much to
Media enquiries:
Andrew Potter,
02 9351 4138,
0414 998 521
SOURCE: University of Sydney