Students To Continue Training After Failure Of Melbourne International College Pty Ltd

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16th July 2009, 07:39pm - Views: 844

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The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Director, Lynn Glover, today

said that students at the Melbourne International College would be able to transfer to

another provider to continue their training following the business failure of the college

and the cancellation of its education licence.

Melbourne International College (MIC) is a private training college offering

qualifications in welfare and English as a second language to international students.

“My primary concern is for the students caught up in the financial difficulties of the

College,” Ms Glover said.

“ I am confident that the procedures we have in place will minimise disruption to their

studies,” Ms Glover said.

“They have paid for, and received, training for first semester, and the VRQA is working

with the Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET) to facilitate their

transfer to other colleges, so that they can continue their training. We anticipate this

process will be completed within the next few weeks.

All international students are covered by a comprehensive consumer protection

framework administered by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment

and Workplace Relations. As soon as the Authority became aware of the problems at

MIC yesterday the student protection arrangements were activated.

VRQA on behalf of ACPET has arranged a meeting with all students tomorrow to

explain the current status of MIC, the ongoing personal support which will be available

for students including transfers to other colleges in Melbourne, a dedicated website

address and helpline.

The VRQA is responsible for registering and monitoring Victorian training


MIC is a member of the Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET)

tuition assurance scheme which provides assistance in the placement of students.

Ms Glover emphasised that the failure of Melbourne International College was due to

financial issues and that students had received the training required in first semester


For further information:

Ms Lynn Glover


Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

Tel:.9651 3204

Mob:.0418 623 713

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