Support Welcomed For Additional Training Places

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8th May 2009, 06:54pm - Views: 885

People Education Group Training Australia 1 image

People Education Group Training Australia 2 image

Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs)

employing over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

8 May 2009

Support welcomed for additional training places

Group Training Australia (GTA), the single largest network employing over 40,000

apprentices and trainees, today welcomed the announcement by the Federal

Government of an additional 1,850 places under the Australian Apprenticeship

Access Program.

GTA Chief Executive Officer,

Jim Barron, said the additional places, targeted at

retrenched workers over 25 years of age, will further strengthen this


employment program.

“The additional funding and places will ensure that even more job seekers will be

able to expand their skills and enhance their job prospects.  

“The Access program provides disadvantaged job seekers with preliminary training

and support to assist them to obtain apprenticeships and traineeships or to

continue with some other form of employment and training.  

“When combined with the earlier announcement of an additional 3,650 places for

vulnerable job seekers aged 19-24 years, this new initiative will give those

struggling during the economic slowdown a better chance of being able to

participate in the labour market. 

“As the single largest employer network of apprentices and trainees, GTA looks

forward to playing its part in ensuring

the Access Program continues to deliver

critical support to disadvantaged job seekers”. 

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications

02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298, 


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