Victorian Privacy Commissioner To Launch Online Video For Young People

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4th May 2009, 11:30am - Views: 911

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DATE: 4 May 2009

“Think before you upload!”

Victorian Privacy Commissioner to launch online video for young people 

The media are invited to speak with Victorian Privacy Commissioner, Helen

Versey, following the launch of an online video for young people, “Think before you

upload!” at Brentwood Secondary College, Glen Waverley next Wednesday 6 May.

Helen Versey will launch the video with Robyn Treyvaud, education and internet

safety specialist from the Centre for Strategic Education, who will also be available

for media interviews.

With the key message Think before you upload! Once it’s out there, it’s

everywhere!, the 3 minute online video features a series of animated scenarios

which illustrate the potential consequences of posting personal information online.

“This video aims to highlight for those born in the digital age, and who increasingly

conduct so much of their social life online – today’s “digital natives” - the potential

pitfalls of sharing personal information on the web,” Privacy Commissioner, Helen

Versey said.

“Young people, the elders of their own digital generation tribe, need to realise that

their ‘virtual’ life, including everything they post on the web, can catch up with them

in real life, and have very real consequences”, said Robyn Treyvaud, a leading

authority on education and internet safety.

The launch is part of a program of events for Privacy Awareness Week 2009.

Think before you upload!” ONLINE VIDEO LAUNCH


Wednesday 6 May 2009


9.30am for 10.00am (10.30 media call following formalities)


Brentwood Secondary College, Heath St (cnr Watsons Rd),

Glen Waverley

Media inquiries: 

Pia Di Mattina  0412 298 203



Media Release

on Online Video Launch, Privacy Awareness Week 2009,

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