Victorians Celebrate World Teachers' Day - October 31

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30th October 2008, 05:57pm - Views: 800
Victorians Celebrate World Teachers' Day - October 31

Schools across Victoria will celebrate World Teachers' Day tomorrow. The theme of this year's celebration is World Teachers every Day.

This year's celebrations highlight the role teachers play in connecting students to the world through language, learning and technology, Victorian Institute of Teaching Chairperson Susan Halliday said.

"This year World Teachers' Day coincides with the first day of VCE exams so it's a fitting time to thank teachers for the work they do to prepare students for life after school," Ms Halliday said.

"Teachers play a critical role in introducing all young people to the world at large. That includes teaching students about other countries and cultures as well as introducing them to parts of their own society that may be unfamiliar to them.

"We want to acknowledge the valuable, important work teachers do to shape our society."

Ms Halliday said teaching was a demanding profession, constantly changing to keep up with technological advancements.

"Today's teachers are international operators. Technology means students are learning about the world faster and younger than ever before," she said.

"Good teachers see learning opportunities in these developments, using tools like the internet, blogging and twitter to create global learning opportunities for students."

The Institute released a demographic snapshot demonstrating the international nature of the teaching profession:

* Victorian teachers were born in 169 different countries
* Teachers with qualification from 136 nations are working locally
* Roughly a quarter of our teachers were born overseas (16,000 out of the 64,000 who have advised the institute of their birthplace).
* 2114 Australian-trained teachers are currently living overseas with many working in not for profit organisations
* In government schools, they teach more than 113,000 students with language
backgrounds other than English.
* More than 80% of primary students and 52% of secondary students learn a language other than English in government schools.

Michelle Edmunds
0413 120 342

SOURCE: Victorian Institute of Teaching

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