West Los Angeles College Announces Online Degree Program For International Students

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15th September 2009, 04:18pm - Views: 770

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West Los Angeles College Announces Online Degree Program for International Students

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

            USDegreeOnline.wlac.edu among Lowest Tuition in the U.S.

            Fully Accredited California College Offers Online Degrees


    Through http://usdegreeonline.wlac.edu, West Los Angeles College ("West"), located in Los Angeles,

California, offers students around the world an opportunity to earn an American degree online without ever

leaving home. The program is convenient, fully accredited, and has one of the lowest tuitions available in the

U.S. from a real, progressive college. Thousands of students select West each year for its high education

value and low cost tuition. Now, that value is available in an international online degree.

    Students can earn a U.S. Business Administration or Liberal Arts Degree.

West Los Angeles College is part of a prestigious college family which

includes Universities of California (UCLA, UC Berkeley etc.), California

State Universities and other California Community Colleges. All online

classes and degrees can be transferred easily to these colleges and many

other U.S. universities.

    Students can join our Twitter (http://twitter.com/studyatwlac) or

Studies/124931538269) pages to compete for an easy scholarship for free text books to be used in their online

classes for this fall's 2009 semester.

    "Our college is a real, accredited U.S. college where students can trust

that their online degree will be a very valuable part of their future when

they advance to a university or career," says Judy Chow, WLAC's Director of

International Student Programs. "Students have come to our college from all

over the world to complete the first two years of their Bachelor's degrees at

a tremendous cost savings before transferring to a university. They also earn

their Associate degrees which can qualify them for gainful employment in a

number of industries. In this economic environment, our students say they

feel secure in that we are a real, physical college...not just online, and

our esteemed professors care about results."

    "West is also going a step further and looking to forge strong

partnerships and ties with the countries from which their students come such

as China, South Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam, Canada and many others. Over

the next few months, we will be reaching out to education authorities,

universities, and community based organizations to create strong learning

opportunities for our students," Chow said.

    Students interested in enrolling for fall semester must register by

October 1st, 2009. Following semesters will be posted. Website:

    About WLAC:

    West Los Angeles College is located in Culver City (part of greater Los

Angeles), California, USA on 70 park-like acres. West is part of a 9 campus

group of community colleges in the Los Angeles area, serving students for

nearly 80 years. For more information on "West," visit www.wlac.edu.

People Education West Los Angeles College 3 image

    CONTACT: Eric Ichon, Dean of Distance Learning & Instructional Technology

             +1 310 287 4507 | ichone@wlac.edu

             9000 Overland Ave. - Culver City, CA 90230 USA

    SOURCE:  West Los Angeles College

    CONTACT: Eric Ichon, D

             Dean of Distance Learning & Instructional Technology of 

             West Los Angeles College, 

             +1-310-287-4507, ichone@wlac.edu

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