World-class Universities Convene On Kuala Lumpur To Debate Rankings

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19th November 2009, 11:07am - Views: 840

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World-Class Universities Convene on Kuala Lumpur to Debate Rankings

LONDON, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Over 700 university academics and administrators from around 45 countries

will gather at the fifth QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education

Conference ( in Kuala Lumpur next week to hear

international experts from 25 countries speak on globalisation and the role

of rankings in higher education.

    A Rankings Workshop, held on 23 November, will bring delegates up to date

with developments in the QS World University Rankings, and seek their

feedback. QS, the authors of the World University Rankings, has conducted

over 70 Rankings Workshops in the last five years, attended by more than

5,000 senior university officers, planners and strategists.

    Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director of QS says: "These workshops

ensure the methodology, rigour and impartiality of the QS World University

Rankings are constantly reviewed by the academic community and fed back to

the QS rankings team."

    Tony Sheil, Associate Director, Research Policy at Griffith University,

Australia observes: "QS has always been open and accountable, willing to

listen and quick to take on changes for the better. The QS method has become

very difficult for institutions to 'game' due to its use of both qualitative

and quantitative indicators.

    We wish QS the very best in taking the rankings forward."

    QS has produced research annually since 1991 and has an impeccable 20

year track record as researchers and independent commentators of global

higher education trends.

    On 13 October 2008, Ann Mroz, Editor of Times Higher Education, with whom

QS no longer collaborates to publish the rankings, confirmed the quality and

integrity of QS research. "These rankings use an unprecedented amount of data

to deliver the most accurate measure available of the world's best

universities, and of the strength of different nations' university systems.

They are important for governments wanting to gauge the progress of their

education systems, and are used in planning by universities across the


    All delegate fees from QS conferences go to the QS Education Trust which

offers partial scholarships to postgraduate students around the world.

    Quacquarelli, a Cambridge and Wharton graduate, says: "QS was founded in

1990 as a student project with a view to helping bright young people make the

right education and career decisions. Nearly 20 years later, our mission and

passion is still to help bright young people fulfil their potential through

educational achievement, international mobility and career development. We

want to make sure the QS World University Rankings are the best tool for

parents, students and employers. To do this we seek the active input of

academics to ensure our measures are relevant, contemporary and meaningful."


    For more information about:

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    QS World University Rankings:

    QS Rankings Workshops in 2010

    11 March, London- with university representatives from 15 countries.

    2 May Riyadh- in conjunction with the launch of the QS Middle East and

Africa Professional Leaders in Education Conference -

    2 June, Kansas City-held alongside the NAFSA international education


    SOURCE: QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd

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