2020 Summit: Tarrant To Highlight Position Of Low Paid Workers

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16th April 2008, 07:31pm - Views: 960

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16 April 2008

2020 Summit: Tarrant to highlight position of low pay workers 

Louise Tarrant National Secretary LHMU joins the brightest and best as part of the

Future directions for the Australian economy panel at the Australia 2020 Summit.

“It’s vital to be part of economic discussions because that’s where decisions and

directions are made for the people of Australia.  When I take my place at the summit,

I bring the voices of 130,000 low paid workers to the table,” says Tarrant.  

“Economies don’t develop in a vacuum or in some immutable fashion; they are

constructs responsive to values, political contexts, prevailing fads and the relative

power of particular interests” 

Tarrant will highlight the poor economic position of low paid workers and outline three

key solutions for change and improvement. Across Australia, the LHMU organises

130,000 workers in a range of low waged service sector areas including childcare,

hospitality, health, aged care, cleaning and security. 

Over the last decade Louise Tarrant’s role has been to drive a change agenda within

the LHMU, to reposition it industrially and politically to build a strong union.  Tarrant

has driven change by creating new capacities, refocusing industry strategies and

engaging members in new ways. In the mid 1980s for a period of 10 years, Tarrant

worked across a range of unions assisting the restructuring of the labour movement's

base through Union amalgamations. Her role included facilitation of negotiations

between the amalgamating unions and coordination of the member plebiscite

campaigns required to ratify the amalgamation proposals. Tarrant began her working

life as a telephonist and played an active role in her union.

At a conference of over 300 LHMU union delegates in Brisbane on Thursday, Tarrant

will raise issues and canvass views on important matters confronting the 2020

Summit in Canberra this weekend. 

“2020 seems close and it feels like a short time-frame for envisioning any great

change to the face our nation presents to the world. But our history shows that 12

years is a long time in our national life, during which major shifts in public direction

can affect all of our lives for good or for ill. What kind of vision do we want for 2020?

What kinds of changes would we like to see to help low-paid working people to live

better lives in better communities? Union members have given me a clear vision and I

welcome the opportunity to put their voice at the 2020 summit.”

At the conference Tarrant will outline significant changes that have occurred nationally

and politically over periods of 12 years 1996-2008, 1984-1996, 1972-1984 and her

vision for what could possibly be achieved by 2020. 

For further information or interviews with Louise Tarrant contact:

Nada Vlatko  02 8204 3006  /  0412 257 527

                                                  LHMU – National Office

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