Workplace Authority Infoline 1300 363 264
Media Release
23 July 2008
Roadside assistance company fined over
staff underpayments
A Sydney-based roadside services operator has been fined $115,000 for
underpaying three of its workers.
The Chief Industrial Magistrates Court of NSW imposed the penalty after
the Workplace Ombudsman took legal action against Motorists Transport
Assistance Pty Ltd.
The Workplace Ombudsman alleged the three staff members including a
single mother from a non-English speaking background had been
underpaid almost $5000.
One of the workers was allegedly engaged on a one-day trial period with
no pay.
The companys business manager, Matthew Mills, was also individually
fined $23,000 for his role in breaches of the Workplace Relations Act.
Mills was last month sentenced to 12 months jail - fully suspended on him
entering into a two-year good behaviour bond - following a separate
Australian Securities and Investments Commission investigation.
ASIC found Mills was managing four companies, including Motorists
Transport Assistance Pty Ltd, while an undischarged bankrupt.
Workplace Ombudsman Executive Director Michael Campbell said the
severe penalties imposed by the court reflected in part the companys lack
of contrition and compliance when the underpayments were discovered.
Mr Campbell said the employer had sought to mislead the Workplace
Ombudsman into believing it had reimbursed staff, when it had not.
Media inquiries:
Craig Bildstien
Director Media & Stakeholder Relations Workplace Ombudsman
Ph: (03) 9954 2554 Mob: 0419 818 484 Email: