Book Publishers Welcome Government Decision

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11th November 2009, 06:44pm - Views: 1282
Book Publishers Welcome Government Decision

Media Release

11 November 2009

Australia's book publishers today welcomed the Government's decision to leave book copyright rules unchanged.

The CEO of the Australian Publishers Association, Maree McCaskill, said the decision acknowledged the strong arguments advanced by authors, printers, printing unions, agents and publishers in the debate on the issue.

"As the Government has pointed out, Australian book publishing is under strong competitive pressure and this pressure is likely to intensify," Ms McCaskill said.

"Book publishers are very pleased that the Government has decided to maintain copyright rules established by a previous Labor Government which help ensure the industry is able to respond effectively to this pressure.

"Australian territorial copyright for books is fundamental to the nation's dynamic book publishing industry, which is able to develop Australian talent while providing one of the widest ranges of books in the world quickly and at highly competitive prices.

"Last month, the APA announced its commitment to build a digital distribution system which will enable Australians to buy digital books over the counter at Australian bookstores.

"The Association is committed to working with Australian booksellers to continue improving the attractiveness of Australian books to Australian readers, and this decision will support that commitment, to the benefit of bookbuyers generally," Ms McCaskill said.

"The Government is to be strongly congratulated for supporting Australian authors, printers, printing workers, agents and publishers.

"Book publishers warmly thank all those who have lent their support to the Australian book industry in this important campaign," she added.

Media contact: Maree McCaskill 0418 657 453

SOURCE: Australian Public Affairs

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