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February 2010
Highly regarded US judge to headline
landmark legal conference
The Law Council is honoured to play host this week to the US judge described
by some as the Arnold Schwarzenegger of American jurisprudence.
US Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia is in Sydney
for the
American Bar Associations
Section of International Law (ABA International)
The conference has been organised in close collaboration with the Law
Council, the Law Society of NSW and the NSW Bar Association.
Law Council President Glenn Ferguson, who officially opened the conference
this morning, said it was a privilege to welcome Justice Scalia to Australia.
During his visit Justice Scalia will discuss the United States judicial
experience with a Bill
of Rights, and whether that provides any guidance in
the current debate in this country about a possible Charter of Human Rights
for Australia, Mr Ferguson said.
The Law Council enjoys
a close and productive working relationship with
both the ABA and its Section of International Law, he said.
In 2008 the Law Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
the Section,
which sought to encourage both parties to work together to
enhance the rule of law and the profession of law.
Yesterday, this Memorandum was reaffirmed, and plans made for a close,
co-operative working relationship in the future, he said.
The conference program includes a high-level US
Australian exchange at
the Banco Court today on The Internationalisation of Domestic Law and its
followed by a moot court demonstration
entitled the Art of
Persuading Judges, at the Sydney University Law School tomorrow.
It is the first time the ABA Section of International Law has held the
Media Contact:
Vanessa Kleinschmidt, Director Communications & Stakeholder Relations
P. 02 6246 3716 || M. 0408 014 110
The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal profession at the
national level, to speak on behalf of its constituent bodies on national
issues, and to promote the administration of justice, access to justice and
general improvement of the law.