Latitude South First To Offer New Zealand-based Outsourced Legal Services To Uk

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9th November 2009, 10:41pm - Views: 1232

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Latitude South First to Offer New Zealand-Based Outsourced Legal Services to UK Legal Teams

AUCKLAND, Nov. 9 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

    Latitude South NZ Ltd today launched its new legal services outsourcing offering, designed for UK in-house

legal teams and law firms to reduce the costs of substantive legal work by utilizing a team of New Zealand-

based former lawyers with UK and international experience.  

    Latitude South will provide substantive legal support services including the design of standard form

agreements, professional support and know-how services, the drafting of bespoke documents, and peer

review. Latitude South will also provide project management and legal process engineering services to help

clients unbundle the legal work appropriate to provide from New Zealand.

    "Legal outsourcing is currently a hot topic in the UK with law firms and in-house legal teams looking to

outsource paralegal work to lower cost offshore providers", said Latitude South Director Larissa Glubb. 

"However, many organizations also have a high proportion of substantive legal services that can be

outsourced if the provider has the right commercial experience and a professional compatibility with its clients. 

We want to broaden the range of legal tasks that can be provided to the UK from overseas by offering the

services of seasoned legal professionals who have previously practiced in leading UK law firms and in-house


    Latitude South has secured an initial team of former lawyers with 9+ years PQE who will operate remotely

from New Zealand, and will be supported by a management team in Asia and an onshore presence in London

to ensure time-zone overlaps.  Latitude South actively recruits senior, former lawyers who have previously

practiced in the UK and have returned to New Zealand.  "Many Kiwi legal professionals choose to spend a

good portion of their legal career in the UK and have a natural compatibility with UK law firms and in-house

legal teams.  We want to provide an opportunity for them to leverage the wealth of onshore UK experience

they've gained, upon returning to NZ." said Glubb. "And with the help of technology, there really is no reason

why they cannot continue to operate on the global stage while being based here."  

    About Latitude South

    Latitude South provides substantive legal services to UK in-house legal teams and law firms by deploying

UK-experienced former lawyers based in New Zealand. Latitude South NZ Ltd is registered in New Zealand,

has a management presence in Asia and an onshore presence in the UK. Latitude South's services are

performed solely at the request of UK lawyers and are provided directly to those lawyers, in support of the UK

legal services that those lawyers are performing for their end-clients. Latitude South is not a law firm and does

not offer legal advice. Latitude South was co-founded in 2009 by New Zealander Larissa Glubb who previously

provided substantive legal services remotely from New Zealand to a global law firm based in London and a

major US-based IT solutions provider.  Andrew Hamilton, also from New Zealand, resigned as a Director at

Deutsche Bank after 9 years as a project manager and process engineer for Global Markets to co-found


     Andrew Hamilton

     Latitude South Pte Ltd

     Level 21, Centennial Tower

     3 Temasek Avenue

     Singapore 039190

     Tel:   +44-203-318-1055 (UK) 


SOURCE:  Latitude South

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