14th December 2009
Late on Friday, NSW Red Gum Forest Action Inc commenced legal proceedings in the NSW Land and
Environment Court, challenging the legality of logging in NSW State Forests along the Murray and
Murrumbidgee Rivers. This is in response to the NSW Government backing down from its red gum
reserve decision and Forest NSW plans to log a key area promised for national park.
A Part 3A approval under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is required for
Red Gum logging operations but no such approval has ever been obtained.
Red Gum Forest Action will argue that Forests NSW is breaching the law by logging globally significant
wetlands without a Part 3A approval.
We have lodged this legal action in response to the apparent backflip by the NSW Government on the
creation of new Red Gum National Parks along the Murray River said Andrew Cox, spokesperson for
NSW Red Gum Forest Action.
Last week they announced a large new National Park and other reserves, and this week they have caved
in to opposition from the National Party and are apparently reviewing the decision.
We will be seeking to have logging stopped until the law has been fully complied with.
The legal challenge has also been triggered by news received by conservationists this week that Forests
NSW are planning to open up new areas for logging in the internationally significant Millewa forest area
early next year.
This is an absolute disgrace. This is the area that has been earmarked as a large new National Park, but
Forests NSW seem intent on patch-clearfelling it and destroying its values.
We are not going to stand by and watch our public Red Gum forests, many of which are experiencing
acute water stress, destroyed by industrial scale logging, patch-clearfelling and intensive grazing.
These forests are essential for the persistence of a significant number of threatened species, including
many iconic species such as the Barking Owl, Squirrel Glider and Fishing Bat.
We will relentlessly pursue the application of the law and the creation of large new National Parks in
River Red Gum forests which are some of the most highly threatened and poorly reserved ecosystems in
the country.
Further information or comment: Andrew Cox on 0438 588 040
Eucalyptus camaldulensis