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26 November 2009
Reinstatement of the Racial
Discrimination Act a Welcome Move
The Law Council says the introduction of legislation to reinstate the
Racial Discrimination Act
(RDA) under the NT Intervention means
Aboriginal people can once again look forward to
Law Council President John Corcoran
The restoration of
fundamental rights for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory is long
is an important step forward in ensuring
the NT Intervention meets Australias international obligations.
It is also an acknowledgment that suspending the RDA has never been
necessary to address poor social conditions in Aboriginal communities,
Mr Corcoran said.
However, the Law Council cautioned against characterising
discriminatory measures as special measures.
Discrimination can only be authorised under the RDA if done after
consultation with, and consent of, Aboriginal people
affected. This is
particularly the case where the measures negatively impact on the
people concerned, Mr Corcoran said.
The Law Council intends to carefully scrutinise the proposed
amendments, to ensure all discriminatory aspects have been addressed.
It is important that the Government avoids indirect discrimination against
particularly if the key criterion for an expanded, compulsory
income management scheme is socio-economic disadvantage.
It has always been the Law Councils view that if the Intervention is to
be successful, Indigenous people must play a primary role in its design
and implementation.
restoration of the RDA is a fundamental first
step towards that objective, Mr Corcoran concluded.
Media Contact:
Elenore Eriksson, Director Public Affairs
P. 02 6246 3716 || M. 0419 269 855
The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal
profession at the national level, to speak on behalf of its
constituent bodies on national issues, and to promote the
administration of justice, access to justice and general
improvement of the law.