29th Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races At The Story Bridge Hotel

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Media Information

January 5, 2010 

29th Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races at the Story Bridge Hotel –

Tuesday January 26, 2010

Traditionally January 26 marks the landing of Captain Arthur Phillip in Sydney, claiming Australia for the

British Empire.

However, the real show on

Tuesday January 26

will be at Brisbane’s famous Story

Bridge Hotel for the 29th Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races.  

Known as the greatest gathering of thoroughbred cockroaches in the known universe, it's the highlight

of the icky insect's sporting calendar

and a major social event for South East Queensland, news of

which has reached the far sides of the world. While names like Warne, Rafter, Thorpe and Lockyer


dominate a major Australian sporting event, on January 26 it’s

Cocky Balboa,

Ita Buttroach,

Osama Bin Liner and Sir Roach-a-Lot.


is fierce, and while contestants

are encouraged to bring their own racers, many buy

cockys on the day. Rules are carefully followed on this day of high drama – there are 14 races with a

minimum of 20 "cockys" in each. Regulars from the Story Bridge Hotel act as stewards, and it's their job

to paint numbers on the backs of the cockys in tip-pex or nail polish. 

The races start with all contestants in a bucket in the centre of the arena. It is turned upside


lifted off the ground and the cockys are free to race to the outside of the circle. First one to the outside

barrier is the winner, and up for grabs is the Story Bridge Hotel Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races

Cup, easily comparable to the Ashes or Wimbledon. 

The day is not entirely about speed. This year there is a $2000 function at the hotel up for grabs for the

BEST STABLE (Best Dressed Group) and Brisbane’s most prestigious beauty crown will also be awarded

in the ‘Miss Cocky’ Pageant. 

Story Bridge hotel owner Richard Deery tells how this incredible event came about:  “From small

beginnings in 1981 the Annual Cockroach Races began out of a conversation from two locals sitting at

the old Story Bridge Hotel Bombshelter bar discussing who had the biggest cockroaches in their suburb.

To settle this discussion it was suggested by one of the Deery family for them both to bring the

Cockroaches from their respective suburbs to the pub on Australia Day and these questions would be

answered. This is how one of Brisbane’s most unique and iconic events began.” 

In 2009

almost $20,000

was raised during the day for the Mater Children's Hospital. This year the

charity partner is Variety, the Children’s Charity.


29th Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races


The Story Bridge Hotel, 200 Main Street, Kangaroo Point


Australia Day – Tuesday January 26, 2010


From 11am; races start 12noon


$5 per cocky to enter

The Story Bridge Hotel  - 200 Main Street, Kangaroo Point Queensland 4169 Australia        

For further information, images, interview or comment, please contact:

Kath Rose & Associates on 07 3357 9054, mobile 0416 291 493 or email kath@kathrose.com

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